Chapter 8

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"Okay class open your books to page 455 and read all thr paragraphs." Mrs. Serra kills me. She's in fact the most boring teacher ever. Because of boredom, I started doodling all over my book. I didn't even know that I was doodling me and Luke together, in stick man figures. I stare at the clock to see that we still have about seven minutes before lunch.

I should really apologize to Sasha and Cooper for yelling at them and for bailing them a hundred times. Cooper's been there for me and I repay him like that? I should apologize to them.


I look around looking for Sasha and Cooper, at last I saw Sasha waving at me. I gestured her that I'll go get myslef something to eat first before going to them. She agrees, so I made my way to the counter to order something.

"Can I have one potato plate please?" I ask. As the lady reaches for my order a hand taps my back. I look around to see Luke smiling. I smile back.

"Hey, what did you order?" Luke asks as he moves to my side. His strong mint perfume surrounds me. I noticed that his hair was sticking out in different directions and he looked pretty good. He's wearing a red and blue checkered shirt and a dark blue jeans. He looked good.

"I ordered the potato plate. By the way, about tomorrow's upcoming prom my mom wants to meet you, when you come pick me up." I say. He smiles even more and I laugh at him.

"Why are you laughing? Is there something on my face or-" He says with his hands on his face trying to see if there's something on his face.

"No nothing, it's just that your smile is so wide it nearly reaches your ear!" I laugh. He laughs with me and I've never felt so comfortable around him. I look to see that my food is ready so I pick it up and headed to our table.

"I'll come to your house tomorrow at 7:45 pm okay? Tell your mom I'll be there!" He yells. I replied yes and headed to our table.

"Hey Layla, have a seat." Cooper says. I sat in front of them and look to see Cooper looking at me with a blank face. Is he mad at me?

"Don't forget, I'll come to your house to get ready for tomorrows prom!" Sasha breaks the silence.

"Yeah, sure!" I say. I opened one ketchup packet and started drizzling it on my french fries.

"I have to tell you guys something. I know, I screamed at you guys recently and I want to apologize for that." I look at Cooper to see he's smiling and nodding continuously.

"Its okay Layla, no hard feelings. We know you didn't mean to. Just at least don't hide anything from us. We don't want to see you crying, yet saying your fine when clearly your not, okay?" Cooper says.

"Any ways forget about that. Let's talk about tomorrow's dance! I'm bringing Cooper as my partner, what about you?" Sasha asks.

"I didn't know we have to have partners! But there's one person that asked me." The moment I said that, both of their eyes went enormously huge!

"What! Who! Omg your so lucky the guy was the one that asked you! I had to ask Cooper to bring me to the dance!" Sasha crosses her arms. I look at Cooper to see his face turning red.

"Well you guys won't believe me but Luke asked me to the dance." I say. Sasha then screams and jumps out of her seat. I can see that they're both shocked because of the look on their faces.

"Well yeah, he called me last night to ask me to the dance actually." I said.

"Luke as in the king of the School? Omg you have to look like a princess tomorrow! Don't worry I'll help you!" Sasha says. Her words are so fast that she almost sounded like a chipmunk.

"Why Luke? Why not any normal guys? I don't trust that guy Layla." Cooper says. What is wrong with my brother and Cooper hating Luke! Luke is safe to be around.

"I'm sure he's cool Coop. Plus don't worry, my mom will be meeting him before prom. I'm sure my mom can test him." I say. He nods and we all fall into complete silence.

"Classes about to start, we should be getting back to our classes. Layla don't ever trust anyone specially Luke, you never know what he's girlfriend is up to." Cooper warns me.

"Yeah yeah okay Coop. I will." I stick out my pinky for him to pinky promise. He sticks his pinky and pinky promises me.

After that we all head to our classes. I guess I should follow Cooper's advice. Who knows they're up to something. I only knew Luke for a week, I'm not sure if he's safe or not. What if he drugs me and rapes me. Or what if he kidnaps me and Gretchen kills me! I'll just be cautious and I'm sure I'll be safe.


After a whole day of boring classes you get to go home and rest. You go to your room and lie on your bed, thinking about tomorrow's dance. You remembered the dress given by your grandma. Out of curiosity, you go to your closet and took out the box. You open it and look at the beautiful silk dress with it's beautiful sequence on it. It was beautiful. Too beautiful for you. You take it out of the box to see it was a long, balloon, white gown. It looked like a wedding dress.

You took off your clothes and tried on the gown. You try to walk properly in the dress for you keep on stepping on it. You look at yourself in the mirror, to see your arms extremely exposed. Because of disappointment, so collapse to the floor and cried. You feel unwanted. You grab your arms and squeezed them thinking that would do anything. You try to rip off the dress but you couldn't. Your stomach started growling of hunger and you angrily punched your belly. It stung.

"Why? Why do you do this to me? Your always hungry! Aren't you tired of being called fat? Aren't you tired of wearing big bulky pants?" In frustration you started to scratch your wrist forcefully, after a couple of scratches blood started gushing out. The scar didn't hurt as much as your inner feeling.

You take off the dress and throw it into your cabinet and close it hard, almost breaking it off from its nobs. You lie on your bed and decided not to eat dinner and ignore your hunger.

"End of the narrator"

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