You Have Lost All Rights On Me

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Aaradhya's POV:

This is so not done Kanha! I mean why? Literally why is this man over here whom I have no chance with looking like a Greek God? Why every time I look at him, there is something which goes inside my heart? Why do I blush on just a mere sight of him or mention of his name? Why, why does he have so much effect and control over my heart till now? "Ohh because stupi-" I interrupted my consci saying, no consci not this time. Few questions should just be left to Kanha to explain. You can't give me answers to all my questions. So just sit back and shut your mouth!

Zeeshan's POV:

I heard a knock on the door and I gave my permission to come in too. Then why was there no activity, neither could I hear anyone's voice. Did air knocked the door or the person who came in was dumb?

I lifted my gaze from my laptop and fixed it on that particular person for whom I was waiting the whole day. I was just smitten by her looks. She is looking so damn gorgeous! Her clothes and hair are perfect and organized, just how I want my women employees to dress like. But only few of them do that and the rest, well the rest always wear seducing clothes so that they could attract me! And I am tired of this!

I was just lost in her beauty, in the way she was making cute and innocent facial expressions and the way she was standing there like someone had sealed her mouth, so she wasn't able to speak anything. Gosh! This girl is the perfect definition of 'a wife that every man would want in his life', 'a wife that every man would desire!'

"Miss Gupta, would you like to speak something? Or you give preference to doing something first?" I asked her with a teasing smile urging her to speak! She looked at me with a flushed expression and I knew all dirty thoughts would have instantly came into her mind. Gosh! She wasn't as innocent as she pretended to be, ask me!

"Bo-boss, actually I had go-gotten black co-ffee for you. I learned that this is wh-what you start your day from." She said stammering a bit and I smiled at her cuteness.

She was right. Everyone here knew that my mood for the rest of the day depended on that little cup of black coffee. If this black liquid was up to the mark and to my liking, then whole day I wont really get angry over almost any damn issue. But if this coffee, the first coffee of my day would go wrong, I would find myself yelling at people for some petty reasons.

"Ohh well, thanks for this Miss Gupta! I really need this to kick-start my day!" I took the coffee which she had placed on my table. I tasted the coffee and instantly I blurted without even thinking, "It's divine." I should really admit that this was the best coffee any of my secretary had made for me. It was just up to my taste. The composition of milk, essential herbs, and water was PERFECT! I really wanted to kiss her hands after tasting her hand made coffee!

"Th-Thank you Boss. It felt really good that you liked the taste." She stammered these words sweetly smiling at me. Gosh! Her smile drives me crazy. It was the first ever thing I was attracted to in her. She really knows that her one smile, one smile and I fall for her again and again!

"I like your smile Miss Gupta!" I said in a teasing voice. "I know that boss." She replied back sweetly and I was caught off guard by her quick reply. This was the first time in the whole day when she was replying without any stammer. "What?" I asked her letting out a cute chuckle. "I me-mean I knew what type of coffee you would like."

I raised my gaze at her. I got up from my chair and started to take slow steps towards the 'heart-capturing' girl! As I was stepping more towards her, so was she stepping back going in the direction of the wall. "How? How do you know that?" I asked her seductively with a deep voice.

"Si-sir...I me-mean Boss. I know that becau--" And she was caught between me and the wall. I was now towering over her and her back was pressing towards the wall making no room for her to leave. "Why? Why don't you want to leave her?" My conscience asked while I just replied, "Because I don't want her to."

I put both my arms at each of her side and I was gazing right into her eyes. Her beautiful, captivating eyes, filled with worries, lots of questions, desire and...LOVE!..or maybe not!

"Boss what are y-you doing?" She asked me completely scared as if I was some sort of hunter who would attack her any moment, or maybe I would. A lot of 'maybe-s' in my life! "And What do you think I am doing? And what do you want me to do?---to you?" I asked her making her stress-filled eyes go wide! She sure now would have started some romantic movie in her mind. A romantic movie where the man and woman...well, few things are understandable and best known when not told;)

She was now shrieking with fear and anxiety. O My Little Aaradhya! Don't worry I am here! "Well that's the exact reason why she's worrying." No, that's not true! "Hey! Why are you shaking? Look up! I won't let anything happen to you Miss Decent!" Hell yeah! This name was the one I used to call her when we were in a relationship! She looked at me instantly and I was mesmerized by her, yet again!

"Never say that again!" Her sweet voice and shining eyes turned ferocious all of a sudden! "You have lost each and every single right to call me yours the day you left me!" She said and the words felt as if some one had pierced a 1000 daggers straight into my heart.

What was she even saying? I left her? Like seriously? Either she is suffering from Alzheimer's or doesn't yet know that I already know how she cheated on me! "What are you telling? Are you out of your mind? When did I leave you?" I spat out these words directly at her not thinking for even a second. I was already hurt inside and now this side of her was hurting me all the more!

"Don't act as if you don't know anything Mr. Zeeshan Ahmed Khan. How can you leave a girl, who loved you so much, for a stupid lottery?" She asked me and the memory of that day came rushing into my mind. That night, that worst night of 28 years of my existence where I had to break up with her. But she had got it all wrong!

Heya! Lovelies how are y'all doing?
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Question of the day/night:

Q: Any sweet and funny nicknames given to you by your special someone? ;)... Feel free to share.

Bbye! Wait for the next chapter!
~MeMissAngelRicha :)

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