Charismatic Rabia

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Aaradhya's POV:

I was looking at him for quite some time, and he seemed to remember something, or to be precise, remember his betrayal. "Leave me Boss, I have work to do!" I said trying to escape from him.

He left some space, and gave me way to go out not before holding my wrist rather tightly. "What are you doing? This is not what I expect from my boss on the very first day at work!" I spat out the words in anger. If he wants to go away from my life, then he can just go, why stay and make me want him?

"Ohh really? Then how should I treat you? Clap, praise, or rather join my hands for being so inconsiderate of my feelings?" He asked me equally angry. "Feelings? Do you even have them? You only know how to use people and pass your 'not so precious' time with them." I said those words, and he instantly started to gaze me with bloodshot eyes. "Either you don't even know your deed, or you are trying to act very innocent!"

I was looking at him with a questioning face when he said, "See, I don't want to talk to you about that matter further, thanks a lot for the coffee, but you may go out now! And, let my other secretary come in." He didn't even thought to clear my doubts, but wait, who the hell is this 'other secretary'? I just lifted the coffee tray and came out of the cabin all dejected.

But I was curious to know who this 'other secretary' was? First Ashley and then Zeeshan, I mean Boss, I  have to meet this new secretary quickly!

Just when I was lost in my own train of thoughts, I bumped into someone. "Whom did you bump in, and spoil their morning stupid darling? For what reason has god given you two eyes? To see right? Then, why not use them?" Ignore my consci, dear.

"I am sorry, actually I-I..." before I could complete my sentence, I looked at the face of that someone, whom I bumped in. There was standing a beautiful, no, to say beautiful would be an understatement, there stood an elegant woman, I thought maybe 24 or 25, in a perfectly groomed manner, with a good dress and nice make up! She was so charismatic, that I started to feel insecure about my clothing!

"It's ok, no need to be sorry, I think you are boss secretary right?" I replied with a nod. "Meet me, I am Rabia Haider, boss's 2nd secretary, 2nd because I was hired 2 minutes after you." Saying that she giggled a bit, which I found kind of cute!

"Oh hello, stupid 'found cute' darling! She is Zeeshan's that 'other secretary'. And, look how beautiful she is, no wonder Zeeshan hired her!" Listening to my consci left my stomach in knots, she was hot no doubt and Zeeshan would find her hot too, any warm-blooded man would also agree to me at this point. I started to get a bit insecure and to be honest, jealous too.

"Yeah! Because you have feelings for him till now! Right?" asked my consci to which I kept quiet because I myself didn't know either. "Hey! What happened? Why are you looking at me as if you saw some ghost?" 'I wish you were a ghost which never existed in real life', Sorry sorry Kanha, I wouldn't have thought like that, SORRY!

"Oh no, it's just that even I am his secretary na, so was thinking what work should I be doing next. That's it!" She smiled at me and I must say, she looked very cute while smiling, at least Zeeshan, I mean, boss, would say that. "Hey! Ms. Gupta, you are here, come I will get you working!" Someone said, and I turned to their direction only to find, Miss All Smiles, correction, Miss Su there. I wanted to talk to her so bad, that I went and instead of bowing, directly hugged her. I know she was quite surprised at first but then reciprocated the hug. I broke the hug as soon as I realized, she was my senior here and I had to behave! She smiled and greeted Rabia warmly and took me with her to assign me my duties. I think Rabia went to meet boss after that. I was so much curious to know what was happening inside the cabin, but I had to control myself as I didn't have any right on him now!

Heya! Lovelies how are y'all doing?
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Question of the day/night:

Q: What do you think will happen in Zeeshan's cabin? Will Rabia behave herself? Or will she start flirting with Zeeshan?... Feel free to share.

Bbye! Wait for the next chapter!
~MeMissAngelRicha :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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