Chapter Thirteen

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I watched through the broken window as two red trucks pulled into our parking lot and several firefighters piled out.

Part of me registered that I needed to leave, but I couldn't make myself move.

My fingers clenched around the butcher's knife in my hand.

They took him. They were going to kill him.

I had to do something. But what?

Moving on autopilot, barely aware of what I was doing, I yanked off my sweat-soaked clothes and pulled on a pair of dark jeans and a black hoodie.

On some distant level, I understood that I was in shock. That too much had happened in too short a time, and my mind was shutting itself down in order to cope.

They were going to kill him. And then they would come back for me.

I didn't think for a moment that they'd let me live. I knew about them, had mated with one of them.

Besides, I'd injured Grimeer's pride, as well as his face. He'd be back. And when he did, he'd kill me slowly, just like he'd promised.

Taking a sock out of a drawer, I wrapped the butcher's knife carefully and tucked it into my boot, the hilt sticking out a few inches so I could grab it at a moment's notice.

My purse was sitting on my desk. Grabbing it, I took the small red canister of pepper spray out of the inside pocket and tucked it into the pocket of my hoodie.

Outside my apartment, the firefighters were charging up the stairs, beginning their sweep of the building on the top floor. I waited under the sound of their thundering boots passed my floor, then slipped quietly out the door, locked it behind me, and padded silently down the stairs.

Only fifty people or so were mingling around the parking lot—it was only four o' clock and most were still at work or stuck in Friday afternoon traffic. I tried to look innocent as I slipped past them, aiming for the clump of trees outside my bedroom window.

The brush looked trampled and squashed, and a few drops of blood shone on the bark of a tree.

It could be Grimeer's, or Asher's, or anyone of them.

There was no way of knowing that he was alive—nothing to go on but hope.

But no, I realized with a jolt, that wasn't entirely true.

I could still feel the mating bond. The mark on my neck was throbbing dully, as it had been for days, but underneath that was the same tangible pull I had felt ever since I first laid eyes on him.

I remembered something Asher had said about the bond, that first night when he was explaining it to me.

"I'll always be able to feel you, Olivia. And vice-versa. Even if we're separated by a great distance, we'll be able to find each other. Our souls will always be happiest when we are near."

I could follow the mating bond. I could find Asher.

It was there even now, as faint as a moth's wing inside my chest, tugging at me. Pulling me in what I thought was west.

I could follow that tug, and find my mate.

And then what?

It didn't matter. We could figure it out once he was free.

I stared into the trees.

How far would they be by now?

Was Asher conscious? Was he hurt?

And most importantly, how the hell did I expect to get to him without a car?

As if in answer to my thoughts, Kelly's red Mazda pulled into the parking lot and she got out, trying in shock at the fire engines and the small throng of people.

She spotted me standing by myself near the trees, and jogged over. "What's going on?"

"Um, I think someone burned some popcorn or something," I lied, running my fingers through my hair. "Hey, listen um, can I borrow your car?"

Kelly's head snapped to me in surprise. "Huh? Why?"

I didn't have time for the third degree. Asher could be dead any minute. "I just...there's something really important I need to do."

"Uh-huh." Kelly took in my black clothing, saw the wild, unhinged look on my face, and frowned. "What's going on?"

My hands clenched into fists. "Kelly, I really don't have time to explain. I have to go help Asher, and—"

"I knew it!" she said. "You've been acting like a completely different person since you met that guy. What has he gotten you mixed up in?"

"It isn't like that!" My voice rose to a shout. "But he's in trouble and I have to help him!"

"No you don't!" she snapped back. "And I'm not giving you my keys until you explain what the fuck is going on!"

"There's no time!" I cried.

The people standing around were beginning to notice our heated exchange, and turning to watch. I tried to lower my voice, but I was on the brink of panic.

"Kelly, you don't understand. Asher is in trouble, but it isn't his fault, it's mine. And if I don't help him, he could really get hurt. Or worse."

"Liv, this is insane. Why can't you just tell me what's happening!"

It was time for the last-ditch effort. "I invoke the best-friend clause. I'm sorry, I'll explain everythign when I get back. But there's no time. If you're truly my friend, you'll give me your keys right now."

To my surprise, Kelly's eyes filled with tears. "Yeah well, you're 'best friends' are supposed to be having their very last show in three hours. But you won't be there, will you?"

My jaw dropped. I'd completely forgotten about Sugarvenom's last gig.

"Kelly—I'm sorry, but..."

"But this is more important," she finished for me. A shutter dropped over her face as she stared at me.

I hated myself for hurting her, but there was no choice. "They're going to—"

"I don't care," she snapped. She held out her hand with the keys to her car. "Here. Go run after your boyfriend."

I clenched my fist around the keys, cringing beneath her hard expression. "I swear, I'll explain everything—"

"Just go." She turned on her heel and went to join the other people mingling around.

The firefighters were coming out of the door, shaking their head and looking seriously pissed off.

I had to get out of here before Kelly got upstairs and called the cops.

Turning my back on my friend, I jumped in her car and put the key in the ignition. The little Mazda roared to life, and I quickly put the engine in gear and flew out of the parking lot, heading west, away from the city.

Asher, I'm coming, I thought desperately, holding my finger to the mark on my neck.

Please still be alive.

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