I Will Never Let Anyone Hurt You Again

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"Edmund,stop! Stop that right now! No! I told you,I would never do that with you again!" I screamed,but it felt like less than a whisper. I could feel my brother's presence,but I couldn't see him. I knew he had said something in response,but it was nothing more than muffled screams, almost like my head was underwater. 

I lay there,unable to move,as I felt his body move against mine in a way that was unnatural,but so uncomfortably familiar. 

It seemed to last forever. In that moment,I left my body,and suddenly,all I could see was endless darkness,and there was an almost-deafening high pitched ringing that replaced all other sound. 

I felt as though I might pass out. Then, almost immediately,I shot up in my bed, sweating and gasping for air. 

When I finally came to,I felt my lover's arms wrapped gently around me. "you're okay. you're safe. I'm here." I heard her whisper the words repeatedly. I trembled at her touch,but I soon let myself sink into her. 

She was warm,and kind,and she felt like home. She let one hand free,to squeeze mine. "Darling." she said in the sweetest tone,"Do you want to tell me what happened this time? We don't have to talk about it if-" I let out a deep and sharp breath,that almost hurt inside my chest. She never pushed me to talk,and that's something I always appreciated so much.  

I shook my head as my eyes began to swell with tears. I didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve her. 

I curled up in her lap,making myself as small as I could,as I felt her grip slightly soften. She looked at me with kind eyes that had seemed to have glazed over,and I felt my heart nearly melt. 

"Sweet girl." she whispered and kissed the top of my head. She repeated herself. "Sweet sweet girl." 

She lifted my chin so that our eyes met,and,almost as if she could tell what was on my mind just by looking into my eyes,a wave of sadness and concern washed over her face. "Listen to me." she cupped my face in her hands. "I know the world has not been kind to you. I know you've been through so much in your life. But,my love,I promise,as long as I'm alive,I will never let anyone hurt you again." I looked at her and couldn't help but smile through my tears. 

I opened my mouth to speak,but before I could get a word out,she pulled me in and our lips crashed into each other. Each kiss felt a bit sweeter than the last,and in between,I gasped,not because I couldn't breathe,but,because Gwendolyn just truly took my breath away. "I love you" I said,and she smiled against my lips. "I love you."

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