Sausage (All Divisions Leaders)

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(Summary: All Divisions Leaders are having a meeting)

Kuko: drums his fingers on the table

Kuko: gets an idea

Ichiro: Don't you dare-

Kuko: Too late! takes a deep breath Everybody say sausage to keep that shit
goin'! Eggs, bacon, grits-

Sasara: SAUSAGE!

Kuko: Tell that bitch I wanna fuck her-

Samatoki & Sasara: SAUSAGE!

Samatoki: starts pounding the table

Ichiro: slowly joins in She want my grits and my eggs and my-

Ramuda: joins in SAUSAGE!

Samatoki: Put some fuckin' syrup on my goddamn-

All except Jakurai: SAUSAGE!

Sasara: Give me that bitch, I know you wanna lick my-

Everyone except Jakurai: SAUSAGE!

Ichiro: starts beat boxin

Ramuda: Walk in the hotel room, you see my-

Everyone except Jakurai: SAUSAGE!

Sasara: Sau-sau-sau-sau-sau-sau-sau-sau-

Everyone except Jakurai: SAUSAGE!

Samatoki: Sau-sau-sau-sau-sau-sau-sau-sau-

Everyone except Jakurai: SAUSAGE!

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