Chapter 7

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It was the next morning. You barley could sleep because you were thinking of Draco. How amazing last night was. Hanging out, looking at the stars, and my favorite part the kiss. Me and Draco have been friends for two weeks now. Very good weeks.

You felt different around him. It was nice around him. You always felt happy around him. You felt warm and sunny. But of course Harry, Ron and Hermione made you happy. But it was a different happy.

I turned my head to look at the clock and it was 6:58 am. I swung my feet over the bed and got dressed into my robes and ready for the day. But you were a bit nervous about seeing Draco. But I would have to deal with it until classes.

I walked into the common room, and saw Harry, Ron and Hermione. The werid thing was, I saw Draco there. He was sitting on the couch talking to Harry, And Hermione. 

I don't know about Ron. He didn't look so happy the Draco was there. I would understand. Draco did call him names and call his family Blood traitors. But Ronn would just have to see Draco's good side of him.

I walk over with a werid look on my face. I sat next to Ron because he did not look so happy. I put my hand on his back and rubbing it.

"Good morning y/n" Ron said quitely
"Good morning Ron!" You said happy
"Oh good morning y/n!" Draco said with a smile on his face
"Good morning to you all" you said still have a werid look on your face
"Are you all actually talking to another and being happy?" I say
"Yes actually, me, Potter and Granger have lots in common."
I look at them with there head nodding in agreement

"Hold up say that again! Did you just call Hermione, Granger?"
"Yeah?" He said with a werid look on his face
"Omg you didn't call her a Mudblood!" You say getting up and high fiveing him.

"Ok let's go to breakfast I'm hungry" you said as grabbing you books of the couch.
"Oh yeah we should!"  Harry said

(At the great hall)
Draco started to walk to his table but Harry asked him if he wanted to sit with the four of us. He agreed. It was nice having Draco in our friend group. But I don't know if he is, but I think Harry, and Hermione are acepting him in the group.

I don't know about Ron tho. But Draco looks like he is trying his hardest to make Ron like him. When we all sat down all the slytherins and Griffendors were all looking at us weirdly. But none of us cared. All of us were having a great time.

Me and Draco were sitting next to another, while Ron, Harry and Hermione were sitting in a row. Me hand was on the bench next to Dracos. But I felt a cold hand grab onto mine. I look down to see he is holding me hand. I look back up smiling like a huge idiot.

I look over to Draco who is eating his eggs and toast. I look over to the three and see that Hermione is reading her book. Ron and Harry are talking about there essays. I grabbed my fork and started to eat my breakfast.

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