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Gulf sat on his bed with the pink donut beside him and his laptop on his lap.

Ok, so all I have to do is jot down how I feel when I'm with Mew.

Shouldn't be too hard right?

Gulf started typing how he felt yesterday when Mew was being sweet to him but he quickly erased it hating how choppy he sounded.

Gulf bit his nails, desperately trying to type sensible words on the page.

I really suck at this shit.

After a while of four donuts and a few mental breakdowns, Gulf just decided to give up on the idea and came off of his notes app, going onto a K-Drama website to past his time.

This is complete and utter bullocks

Why is it so hard for me to put words to how I feel or even simply remembering anything at all?

He went to bed that night, sad and disappointed.

I'll figure it out tomorrow.... I think




"Gulf kanawut"

Gulf snapped out of his day-dream and looked around his lunch table, seeing the majority of his friends giving him worried glances

"Yeah" he answered

"Are you okay?" Krist asked worriedly


"Are you sure?" Gun raised his eyebrow and poked my arm.

"I said yes, now shuddup" gulf mumbled and shoved a cheese stick into his mouth.

"Are you guys on your period or something, first New comes here looking like someone took a shit in his boba tea and now Gulf is spacing out and looking like Hannah Baker" Off rolled his eyes and snuggled into his boyfriend's neck.

Gulf glared at him before shifting his gaze to New and looking at him pitifully.

He has noticed how New has been quiet from this morning classes but he was so caught up with his own internal conflict that he didn't bother paying his friend any mind.

I suck donkey ass

"Is it Tay?" Gulf mumbled and everyone in the group except Singto shifted their attention back to him.

"What?"  Gulf looked around the table, confused on why they are staring at him like that

"Why would it have anything to do with Tay?" Gun asked

"You know for guys who wants their friends into relationships so bad, it's quite pitiful how you haven't noticed the apparent sexual tension between those two" Gulf rolled his eyes.

Off, Krist, Gun, and New gasped loudly before New smacked Gulf on his arm.

"Could you stop being so unfiltered and that's not true" New denied the accusation but his red cheeks ratted him out.

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