Chapter Two

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Evelyn grabbed her phone off of her bed and shoved it into her back pocket. She then lifted the bin and walked out of her room. As she carried the bin down the hallway, she passed by two vacant rooms where her siblings once slept. Their bedroom doors were closed, but the memories of nights spent wrestling and days spent binging tv shows with them flashed before her eyes. Soon my room will be like theirs.

As Evelyn exited the hallway and walked into the kitchen, she saw her younger sister Ava standing near the fridge with a glass of water in her hand. Her platinum blonde hair was tied into a messy bun, and the shirt she wore was oversized. Her eyes wandered to the bin in Evelyn's hand. "You're going to pack the car now?"

"I was thinking of it." Evelyn shifted the bin so that the weight leaned against her hip.

Ava looked toward the microwave. The clock showed 11pm. "Isn't it a bit late?"

Evelyn shrugged. "I'd rather have it all packed now so that we aren't rushed tomorrow morning."

"I guess that makes sense." Ava tipped her glass toward her mouth and finished her water. "Did you want some help?" She set the glass down on the counter near the sink.

"Sure, if you can get the front door for me that would be great." Evelyn walked toward the door while Ava followed closely behind.

When they reached the entrance, Ava slipped by Evelyn and grabbed the car keys that hung from a hook near the door. She then opened the front door and held it ajar as Evelyn passed through. While Evelyn walked to the car, Ava leaned out of the house and pressed the unlock button on the key fob. She watched as the headlights flashed twice.

Eveyn stood behind the car and set the bin down on the concrete as she opened the trunk door of the car. Once the door opened, she slid her bin inside and then walked back into the house. As she walked back and forth from the hallway with her bins to the car, Ava held the door for her each time. While none of the bins were particularly heavy, Evelyn had to play Tetris to get them to fit in the back. I can see why I could only pack 3.

Once Evelyn finished packing the bins in the car, she slammed the trunk door shut and walked toward the entrance. "Thanks Ava," she said as she passed by her and walked into the house.

"No problem." Ava pressed the lock button on the car keys and watched as the headlights on the car flashed. She then shut the door behind her and slid the deadbolt across the door.

"Are you heading to bed now?" Ava asked as she turned to face Evelyn.

Evelyn looked at her sister. Her fingers fidgeted with the string from her jogging pants. I know, Ava, I know. "I can stay up for a bit. We can watch a movie?"

Ava smiled. "I get to pick this time though."

"Of course." Evelyn turned and walked toward the basement door. When she opened the door, she stepped aside and let Ava walk down the stairs first.

As the two walked down to the basement, the steps creaked below their feet. When they were children the sound led to many stories about monsters and boogiemen living below. As adults, the creaking was a reminder of the many years spent racing up and down the steps to watch tv, play games, and escape.

The moment Evelyn's foot touched the plush carpet, she ran over to the couch and plopped down in her favourite spot–the right side of the couch where she could lean her body against the side and rest her arm on the cushion. Ava quickly settled into the left side of the couch and pulled a pillow against her side. No one ever wants to sit in the middle.

Evelyn noticed the remote on the coffee table near her. She leaned forward, grabbed the remote, and then tossed it to Ava. The remote fell into the crack of the couch. Ava reached down and grabbed it. She pressed the button to turn on the tv, then immediately pushed the volume button so that the sound was nearly muted.

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