Chapter Twenty

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When they finally reached the front of the line, Evelyn looked inside the store and saw people darting back and forth from one side of the store to the next. This is way too many fucking people. Her heartbeat raced rapidly as she considered how claustrophobic it would be inside.

Caroline looked at Evelyn, concerned. "You ok?"

"Yeah, I just don't do well with crowds," she admitted.

"Do you want to wait by the cash registers and I can grab the books for you?" Caroline offered.

Evelyn took a deep breath. "It's ok. I can do it. Just don't let me get far away from you."

Caroline reached down and grabbed Evelyn's hand. "I won't."

When they entered the store, they were greeted by a lady with a Cardwell shirt on. She had an "ask me anything" button attached to her chest and handed each of them a large blue bag to put their books in. Evelyn slid her bag up her shoulder while Caroline held hers in her other hand.

As they walked through the store, they first passed through a novelty gift area with keychains, mugs, and shot glasses. Then they walked through an area that had branded clothing, hats, and umbrella's. People swarmed the clothing and gift sections, with some trying on sweaters in the aisles, and others lifting up each mug to look at the labels.

The area with the bookshelves seemed the most crowded with students dashing back and forth between the aisles. Caroline led Evelyn to the aisle with their faculty books and then let go of her hand. She reached in her back pocket and pulled out the list of books. "I'll grab all the books. You can just stay in this spot."

Each time Caroline found a book from the list, she'd put a copy in her bag and then walk back to Evelyn and hand her one. As the bag filled with books, Evelyn felt the heavy weight on her shoulder. Hopefully there isn't much left.

Caroline looked down at the list in her hand and flipped through the books in her bag. "Ok, this should be it."

She held her hand out for Evelyn to grab. Evelyn wrapped her fingers in between Carolines. "Thanks."

Caroline squeezed Evelyn's hand and then led them to the checkout line where only three people were ahead of them. As they waited, Evelyn took the bag off her shoulder and rested it on top of her foot.

She rubbed at her arm that held the books. "Look at it, it's like bulging."

"Aww, poor baby." Caroline made a pouty face. "Here." She bent forward and kissed the muscle. "Is that better?"

"A little bit," Evelyn admitted. She tried not to blush.

"Next!" the cashier shouted from across the room.

Evelyn lifted the bag off her foot and struggled with carrying it over to the counter. Caroline followed behind Evelyn.

"You can go first," Evelyn told Caroline.

"No, you can go," she insisted.

Evelyn lifted the bag with both hands and placed her books on the counter. She noticed a disapproving look from the cashier. "Sorry."

The cashier ignored her apology and scanned her items quickly, placing them into a new bag once scanned. "Credit or debit?"

Evelyn reached into her pocket and pulled out her wallet. "Credit please."

The cashier pushed a series of buttons on her register and then turned the credit terminal toward Evelyn. Evelyn tapped her card against it. She let out a sigh of relief as the transaction was approved. Oh, thank god. She took the receipt from the cashier and then grabbed her books from the counter. While she waited for Caroline, she took a few steps beyond the counter and stood to the side.

Once they had their books purchased, they walked back to Caroline's room. When they entered her room, Evelyn immediately threw her bag of books down on the floor. She then walked over to Caroline's bed and flopped down. Caroline slid her books off her arms and joined Evelyn on the bed.

She slid over to face Evelyn. "Remind me why we thought it was a good idea to buy all the books in one day?"

Evelyn laughed. "I can't answer that."

Caroline smiled. "We're dumb." She reached under her pillow and pulled out a tablet. "Do you want to watch a movie while you let your arms gain their feeling again?"

"Of course," Evelyn responded.

Caroline placed the tablet on Evelyn's stomach. "Ok, you can pick."

Evelyn grabbed the tablet and put it in Caroline's lap. "That's too much pressure. You decide."

"Ok, then." Caroline rolled her eyes and swiped to unlock the tablet. Her arm accidentally grazed Evelyn's boob. "Horror, comedy, superhero or Disney?" she asked as she scrolled between apps.

Evelyn leaned in to look at the screen. "Do you have Beauty and the Beast?"

"Of course I do!" Caroline swiped her finger against the screen and then pressed on an app. She kept her finger pressed against the screen as she waited for it to load. Once loaded, she typed in the search bar. "Do you want the live action or cartoon?"

"The original please! It's my favourite," Evelyn admitted.

"Well, if it's your favourite, then I guess I'll have to watch it with you." She clicked on the screen.

While the advertisements played, she plumped the pillow behind her. She then shimmied higher in the bed so that the tablet sat straight in her lap. Evelyn moved her pillow slightly and rested her head on the edge of it.

"So why is Beauty and the Beast your favourite?" Caroline asked as the Disney logo scrawled across the screen.

Evelyn shifted her head and looked at her. "I relate a lot to Belle."

Caroline smirked. "Because you're in love with a beast?"

Evelyn smacked her shoulder. "No, because she's a reader and looks beyond the flaws of the beast."

Caroline shook her head. "I just don't get how people can enjoy it when her loving the beast is borderline bestiality!"

Evelyn perched herself up on the pillow. "That's not the point of the story."

Caroline pointed to the screen. The scene showed Adam as he refused to let the woman inside. "I get that she gets his revenge on him, but like..." her thought trailed off.

"He's a misunderstood person that made one mistake." Evelyn pointed at the door. "You're telling me if someone was to knock right now and wanted into your room, you'd let them in."

Caroline looked at the door and then at Evelyn. "Ok, you made your point." She rested her head on the pillow and continued watching.

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