Chapter 7

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I don't know if anyone is actually interested in this story, so this is going to be the last chapter unless someone says that I should keep writing. Sorry but I don't know why I'm writing it if no ones going to read it😔 but I made it EXTREMELY long so hey here's the 7th chapter. Enjoy 😊

Draco's POV

I continued walking until I was finally in the Slytherin common room. After I walked in and the door shut behind me, I ran to my room. Once inside I closed the door as fast as I could. I leaned against the door, slowly sliding down until I sat on the floor. Thank Merlin everyone else was in class.

{WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST DO!?} he's going to kill me. He's straight. I know he's straight. I just couldn't control myself. Why did I have to go that far? I almost kissed him for fucks sake. He's going to tell everyone in Gryffindor house and they are going to hunt me down and put a curse me.

Okay, maybe that's a little over dramatic, but still I know he's going to tell Granger and that red headed imbecile. He is definitely going to want to kill me once he hears. Well he always wants to kill me.

Right before I could freak out anymore there was a sudden knock on the door. The doorknob started to jiggle but because I'm leaning against it the person couldn't get in. "Draco? Are you in there?" Blaise called from the other side of the door.

{oh thank Merlin. it's just Blaise} I thought feeling a rush of relief. I got up immediately fixing my clothes, combing my hair back with my fingers. I may be freaking out but I refuse to look like a slob in front of anyone, even my best friend. I opened the door seeing Blaise and Pansy standing on the other side with a questioning look. Pansy pushes past me and goes to sit on my bed. Normally girls aren't allowed in the boys dorms and Vice versa, but Pansy has been caught so many times all the prefects got tired of telling her not to. "Where have you been? We waited for you in class but you never came" she says getting comfortable.

"Yeah, what happened? You never skip class" Blaise says with an arched eyebrow also walking past me to sit down. I debated for a second about telling them what happened. they are my best friends and I have always told them everything. But I don't want to get to much into the details and I know Pansy. Her horny ass is going to want to know everything.


I didn't even notice Pansy was trying to get my attention. By the time I snapped out of my thoughts she was yelling at the top of her lungs, making her face turn a bit red. "DRACO!!"

"What!?" I raised my voice back but not quite yelled.

"What the fuck happened? And what are you thinking so hard about?" She asked looking annoyed and concerned at the same time.

"Seriously it looks like your brain is going to catch on fire" Blaise says. I breathed out a big sigh and sat next to Pansy on my bed so I could tell them everything that happened. At one point Blaise burst out laughing which lead to a pillow being thrown at his face by Pansy and a threat from me. After that he shut up and listened like he was actually interested.

"WAIT!!" Pansy suddenly screamed. Blaise and I both jumped so bad that I hit my head on the headboard and he fell off the bed. "So Potters gay?"

"Ouch!" I said rubbing my head.

"What the hell Pansy!?" Blaise said slowly getting off the floor and glaring at her.

"What?" Pansy asks like she didn't just scream for no reason.

"Why did you yell!?" Me and Blaise both yell at the same time, obviously irritated that she scared both of us.

"Because I didn't know he's gay. I think that's a good reason to yell" she says crossing her arms over her chest, pointing her pug like noise in the air.

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