Gym class

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This is a Peter Stark story.

Peter POV


"Ooh ouch" I fell off my bed when I was interrupted in a great dream by my dreadful alarm clock. I got up took a shower and got dressed. I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen. "Hey Steve what's up?" I said to the war hero making me breakfast. "Nothing much here you go. I'm gonna go back to bed now see you later." He said. "Ok see you after school." I said. The avengers take turns making me breakfast everyday. They have a schedule on who makes my lunch and who makes my breakfast. I insisted that I can do it myself but everyone wanted to help out. Because I was going on missions with them as Spider-Man and going to school as Peter Parker. Well I'm not actually Peter Parker. My name is Peter Anthony Potts-Stark. But so that I can have a normal childhood my family is keeping me a secret. It's not like we can't tell people. I can handle myself with my abilities and I also live with Earths Mighty hero's.

I finished my breakfast, and told F.R.I.D.A.Y. To alert my mom and dad I was leaving. Then I walked to the garage and Happy was waiting for me. "Finally!" He said. "Oh come on Happy I'm not even late." I said. "I know I'm just messing with you. Get in. Are we picking up Ned?" He said. "Ummmmm..... yes." I said after checking my phone. We drove to Ned's house

Time skip brought to you by———➡️

We got to school and walked in to our classes. Ugh I forgot we have an English test. Oh well I bet I can do it.

Another time skip

Finally last class of the day. Oh no it's gym class great. It was a very very hot day today. And it didn't help that we had gym class.
Pretty much everyone who is anyone is in my class of course. A lot of thefootball team a lot of cheerleaders and other sports players, and Flash. At least I had Ned and MJ to talk to. We were going outside today. Ugh is coach trying to kill us. Apparently the ac isn't working in the gym and it would be like an oven if we did class in there.

Coach told us that we are doing fitness testing today. " is he serious?" I whispered to Ned and MJ. "Unfortunately he is." Answered MJ.

"Ok girls will do there's next class and the boys will do it today. You girls can go sit on the bleachers of the grass." Coach said. "Yes!" Said MJ. "Haha losers see ya later." She said. Me and Ned sighed. I didn't hate gym class I just wish it wasn't so hot. I was big time sweating. "Ok listen up boys we will start with push ups and curl ups, then pacers and pull ups. You will have 5 minutes to do as many as you can. The high score is 92 push ups, 109 curl ups, 190 pacers, and 30 pull ups." I laughed quietly to myself, I know for a fact that I can double those in the given time. Should I? I thought to myself. You know what I will. I have never shown my full potential. My dad said I could, I just never have.

"Ok we are gonna do 7 at a time alright. Do any of you want to help count for them?" He asked. A few people with injuries said sure and we needed three more so two cheerleaders said they would. I thanked god that the cheerleaders that volunteered were the nice ones and the ones who weren't sucked in to the football players. "Ok! Let's get started!" Coach said. The first group went and it was some of the football players and Ned. Ned did good but he really wasn't trying he told me he honestly doesn't care. The highest anyone got that round was 57. The next groups went and the second groups highest was 65, the third was 86. Then it was the last group me, the quarterback, some other football players And Flash. Flash snickered at me and I smirked at him. He looked confused but shrugged it off. The coach decided to count for me. He said ok ready start. And I went. Up and down up and down. I looked over at everyone else and saw them struggling. Flash looked at me like I was crazy. I was only sweating because it was hot outside. I could do this all day. I looked up at my teacher who had wide eyes at me. "How many have I done?" I asked. "Uh-um y-you have um you have done 142 push ups in almost 3 minutes." He said his voice shaky.

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