Inter Dimensional Extrapolator

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The flash crossover w Peter Stark.

Summary: Peter and his dad were playing around in the lab one day. And Peter accidentally made a inter dimensional extrapolator. (Don't ask how or why lol) He doesn't know exactly what it is, so he turned it on and a blue portal appeared and sucked him in. (Honestly just go along lol idk either it was just a thought lol)

Ships: Ironwidow again lol sorry if you don't like that ship, and others will get to those later
Warning: cuss words lol only like one
Peter POV

"Whatcha doing kiddo?" Dad asked while ruffling my hair. "Um I don't really know just playing around, but if this will work it can be like that thing Vulture had, y'know, like that portal thing, idk I'm just having fun." I rambled. "Hmm, cool. Be careful though, I don't want your mom to get mad at me again. Because you got a cut on you finger that one time, like come on you go out and fight bad guys, and she's fine, but you get one little cut and hell has frozen over." He said.

I continued on with my work and I had to add the alien tech as my final step. I did it, and quickly took a picture of it, in case it exploded or it broke. I picked it up and turned it on, then this big blue portal thingy appeared and I started to get sucked in, I tried to reach out for something, but I grabbed my backpack which wouldn't help, and my dad tried to reach for me but the portal closed before he could.

I must've passed out, because I woke up and it was dark outside, I looked around, when I realized that I was actually outside and in an alley, and everything looked different. I know what the city looks like and this is definitely not what it looks like. I picked up my bag that I was laying on and pulled out my phone, it wasn't working. Bad signal or something. The only thing I was able to do on it was take pictures and look at the pictures, everything else didn't work.

I looked around that there was no one there so I quickly changed into my suit, and set off to look for home. The more I swung the more nervous I got, everything was different, I had no idea where I was. I stopped in front of this big place that was called Star Labs. What the heck is Star Labs? I have never heard of such place, I started walking to it but I stopped when I saw a streak of blue lightning run right pass me. I quickly looked around and my spidey senses told me to jump like now. So I did and the same blue ran right under me. It stopped and now I could see that the blue lightning was a person, maybe. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" The thing said in a freaky deaky voice. "Whoa chill dude I don't know what I'm doing here but I'm here and you tried to hurt me and my dad always tells me not to let people bully me. Even though I don't always listen to him, like at school I don't but here wherever here is exactly, it's a no no." I said

The thing charged at me but I swiftly moved out of the way and pulled it back with my webs, punching it in the stomach and knocking it to the ground. The thing caught me off guard and super speed punched me in the face. That was big time rush gonna bruise. I quickly got up and kicked it in the face. Apparently I hurt it and it ran away. "What the flippity flap!" I said. I was definitely bleeding, it wasn't just a bruise. And that Star Labs place has got to have some gauze or something, that's all I would need. It looked pretty much empty. But still decided to be in super stealth mode. After that blue lightning dude I didn't know what to expect from this place.

I sneakily sneaked into the place, and went into the vents, this place definitely had cameras. I made it over a place that looks like the main place people hang out in. My spidey senses told me no one was in there, so I slowly and quietly dropped down. There was this weird looking suit with a lightning bolt. I went over to the computers, and hacked in disabling all the cameras. It was encrypted,  But very is to get into. Then I went and deleted the footage that the cameras had already got of me. Then I looked over and there was like this med bay place kinda like Uncle Bruce's.  I went in and took my mask off to clean up my wound. it was pretty deep but nothing I couldn't handle. After I was done I realized I was super hungry, there were these granola bar things so I ate one and was immediately full.  I grabbed more and put them in my bag for later.  I went back to the computers to see exactly were I was. I looked up Stark Industries, and it said that Stark industries was fictional, I looked up my dads name and it said that he was a character from some comics. "What.The.Fuck." I said aloud. I silently said sorry to Steve even though wherever I am he doesn't exist!  Wait. Do I exist? I quickly looked up my name and the same thing that happened to Dad and Mom, and everyone else happened to me. I am a fictional character. "Fudge, Fudge, Fudge, Fudge, Fudge, Fudge." I said while pacing around the computer. Did I erase, my family from existence? Then I heard people entering the building, I quickly got all my stuff and hopped into the vents.

I stayed in there to see exactly who it is that works here. A few minutes later and a group of 6 came in, A tall skinny but muscular guy, a short guy with medium length hair, another dude with really messy short black hair with glasses, another dude older than the first two but around the same age as the other, a girl probably the last ones daughter, and another girl who looks like a doctor. They were conversing about something, idk I wasn't really listening. But then the guy with long hair said, "Ok. Who was looking up the Avengers and didn't close the tab?" Everyone shook their heads. "Aww come on guys who ate my granola bars, I only have a few left." The tall skinny one said. "Barry those are for people who have enhanced metabolism if any of us ate one of those we'd be to full to be able to walk." The guys with short hair said. "Did anyone get hurt and not tell us? Because if they did they left there gauze on the counter." The doctor looking girl said. Oh fudge. I should have cleaned after myself.

They all looked at each other and the guys with long hair said, "I'm going to check the security footage." He typed a few things and huffed. "The security footage from today has been deleted and the cameras are disabled. Whoever did this put an encryption on it and I can't get the footage back." He said while typing. Jokes on him I learned that encryption from my dad, no one's breaking that. "So what do you think we're dealing with a meta who can control tech?" The dad looking one said. Meta? What the heck is a meta? "I don't know? Cisco can you check the cameras to see if anyone is still in the building?" The tall one said. "Umm, no I can't get pass the encryption. It's really advanced." Who I've come to learn is Cisco said. "Oh come on Ramon it can't be that hard. Move." Said the guy with the short black hair. He tried for a while and you could tell he was struggling. "Ok ya. It is kind of hard." He said, Cisco just snickered.

"Well how are we going to find out what happened if we can't see." The daughter said, well at least I think she is that guy's daughter. "Im gonna run around, and check in the vents I'll be right back." The tall one said and he ran off in a flash. Whoa! He's just like that guy I fought with earlier, wait did he say the vents. I hurried to get my mask back on, and then I was whooshed out of the vent. The next thing I new I was thrown to the ground and had these weird handcuffs on. "Ooohhhh jeez you didn't have to throw me dude." I groaned. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" The dad dude said while pointing a gun at me, I also saw a badge on his pocket, so he's a detective. "Woah detective don't push to conclusions." I said. "How do you know I'm a detective?" He said. "Well my mom taught me to point out things people don't normally see, and I noticed you have a badge." I said standing up. "Woah that's a really realistic Spider-Man suit! Where did you get it?" Cisco said. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. "What? I mean look at it it's pretty fricken cool." While they were talking I easily broke the cuffs off with my super strength. "Look guys I had a nice talk but I really gotta get home my mom and dad are gonna freak." I started to walk out, but the fast dude tried to run to stop me but my spidey senses told me to move, so I did and he ran into the wall.

(A/n) Omg I am so sorry I haven't posted in so long, I hope you like this, it's different than the other ones, but I really liked the other ones I've read so I thought why not. I will try to update this one and the other ones soon.


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