18. Surprise Visits

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Dedicated to uummssss

"Wakey wakey" Khadijah groaned and rolled over trying to get away from what ever was poking her, the voice returned this time and the poking more conspicuous, she picked her pillow and covered her head with it hoping whoever was poking her would get the message and leave her alone, it stopped for a few seconds before she felt herself land on the floor with a thud, she opened her eyes with a yelp and glared at the source of her disturbance, a smiling Layla.

"Morning bestie" Khadijah grumbled a reply then walked to her ensuite ignoring her friend who still had a wide smile on her Face, she did her business and brushed before coming out to see Layla tapping furiously on her phone with a grim expression, a total contrast to the person who woke her up.

"What's up with that look?" Her voice was a little hoarse having woke up just then, she moved around and opened her window so her room can be brightened with the early morning sun, she didn't bother checking the time since Layla was awake, it meant it's pretty late into the morning.

"Nothing, how are you?" Layla finally answered keeping her phone face down on the side drawer.

"I would be fine if someone hadn't pushed me off my bed, I'm think my butt has a concussion" Layla let out a loud laugh.

"I tried calling your name, but you didn't budge, so I did a Aliero classic, that's how I wake my brothers up, very effective"

"No wonder they are not morning people, imagine having to see your face first thing in the morning" Khadijah mockingly cringed while Layla gasped with a hand to her heart.

"Let me just go since you're insulting me" she sounded like a child who's parents forced to sit and do their homework while they are hearing their mates outside having the time of their life.

"No, come on baby na, you know you're my favourite right" Layla pouted with a smile small playing at her lips "so, how are you here? I mean I'm glad but I thought you said Wednesday"

"I got bored"

"Bored of your oh so amazing British accent? Now tell me the truth" they both stayed quiet after that and Khadijah gathered she didn't want to talk about, they might be close but Layla keeps a lot to herself, not wanting to upset her since she didn't want to talk, Khadijah stretched and held her friend's hand with a smile "You Know you can tell me everything right? Whenever you're ready"

Layla turned her head so she doesn't see her tear filled eyes and nodded, she felt Khadijah stand from the bed and heard her ask with a lighter tone if she wanted to eat which made her smile, sure her friend didn't like cooking but when she did, it's heaven on earth.

"Anything I want?" Her voice was like a child's making Khadijah laugh, she knew if she turned she'd find her pouting.

"You're getting spoilt, have you been spending time with Awrah?" Awrah is Mahmud's four year old daughter, a complete daddy's girl and her uncles favourite, they all fight for her attention which she loves being a total attention seeker and drama queen, she's the Layla junior of the family, just more dramatic and more cute, as Abba said.

"I was uninvited to her tea party because and I quote 'aunty Ayla you didn't match my dress and didn't learn your princess lines'" Khadijah laughed at the imitation of the little girl and how accurate Her aunt was.

"What is princess lines?" Khadijah asked over her shoulder looking through multiple pots "what do you want to eat?"

"Anything, it's some cartoon lines, I think it's frozen, I love it though but I totally forgot about it and I forgot the key word to be allowed an IV, that's how she made hamma call me and she gave the message" she finished with a sigh, her niece is a drama queen.

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