Carnal thoughts

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Author's note: Oh ma gahd my computer is finally fixed *Does rain dance* Yaaaas I have my old story plan. Well it's not so much a plan as a list of things e.g. "hailey dies. hailey doesn't really die. colton dies. < write this." That's basically the gist of it so.... yeah

When I woke up the next morning, Colton was snoring softly beside me. I smiled and slowly slid out of bed, planning on giving him a surprise in the morning.

No, not that kind of surprise, you dirty minded babboon. 

A nice, non-sexual surprise. 

I wandered downstairs and threw things together in an attempt to make him breakfast. People told me that I was really good at cooking - before I forgot all of it - and now I had the culinary knowledge of a 16 year old. Translation: not an inkling. As I balanced a cookbook on my knee and a spatula in one hand, I used my elbow to scroll through the recipe blog I'd found online, trying to make sense of how on earth people made scones. Who even makes scones for breakfast? What was I thinking? Eventually I managed to scramble together a half-decent batter and shoved it into the oven, hoping for the best. For someone who apparently grew into a classy and sophisticated woman, I clearly lacked those capabilities as a sixteen year old trapped in a twenty-four year old's body. 

As the scones did their thing in the oven, I decided to whip up a frosting that I could smother the failed pastries with. The secret to cooking was to spread lots of frosting and jam and other spreadable heart-attack inducing, cholesterol-level-raising concoctions on the baked goods so that the sweetness outweighed the burnt crisp that I liked to call 'cake.' 

I eventually took the scones out of the oven and was mildly surprised by the fact that they didn't turn out to be a complete and utter disaster. I plated the full english breakfast that I had cooked before putting a few scones on a platter and injecting them with thick, creamy jam. Something about the whole process was unncessarily sexual and as I stood in the kitchen squirting jam into a hole in the scones through an injection, Colton wandered in.

"Why are you sexually violating that scone?" He asked me, nodding towards the fact that I was shoving a syringe inside of a scone.

"Thank you Hailey, oh great and wonderful souis chef of the kitchen, for cooking me this magnificent feast. I am eternally indebted towards you and your culinary creations, for they save me from the sure starvation that I would inevitably fall into," I responded sarcastically as I placed the food on the table. Colton chuckled and joined me by sitting at the table.

"Well you've definitely not lost your sarcasm. I guess that was one of the deep rooted parts of your personality," Colton told me. 

"Surely I haven't changed that much? What else is different about me when I'm older?" I asked him.

"For starters, you wouldn't have touched those scones with anything wet. Something about how delicate baked goods shouldn't be molested with a mountain of frosting strategically placed there to hide the fact that it is a baked bad, not a baked good," Colton told me, biting into the scone and licking his lips.

"Well it doesn't stop you from eating it, does it now?" I asked bitterly, annoyed that he would question my non-existent baking skills. I knew they didn't exist. He didn't have to say it.

"Thanks for this, I really do appreciate it," Colton told me, smiling as he pushed his food around on the plate and pretended to take a bite.

"Colton... I really need you to stop with this whole anorexia thing. You're already skinny," I teased. I knew that his issue wasn't weight. I knew that he hadn't eaten properly since my near death experience and he still wasn't used to eating. He had lost so mucn weight and become such an unhealthy vision of his former self. The only time he looked normal was when he was laughing, which was only when he was with me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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