chapter 1

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"fuck." i growled, lifting my head from the wet concrete, wincing in pain from the gash on my forehead. i look up at the large figure before me, "ouch, asshole." is all i can say before he lifts his leg, smashing it into my head, and everything goes black.

-an hour before-

i let out a tired sigh as i go to close up shop. i work in a small music shop, locally owned by some old man. it's not a big corporation, it's small, it's cute and homey. it feels warm and safe, and i love it here. i turn off the front open signs and lock the doors, before going to reorganize some vinyls that i watched get misplaced by some kids. i didn't say anything, i just let them do their thing, because they were enjoying themselves. they must've only been a few years younger than me, probably sixteen or seventeen? they all had their own little styles, and it reminded me off my old friends from high school. i stop, and smile sadly a bit, remembering all of them. after our senior year, they all moved across the country, to oregon, living their "stoner dreams". they begged me to go with them, but i decided to stay in my little town, getting my silly little job and living alone. i'm now nineteen, having been out of high school for two years. i sigh, pushing my (h/c) hair out of my face, and start organizing files and orders.

after i finish, i suddenly feel, weird. i felt as if i was being watched, but i tried to push it away. i look down at the quartz ring on my finger, and somehow it had cracked. i started panicking, confused, but i tried to calm myself by telling myself i had just probably hit my hand on something. no biggie, it's okay. i finish wiping down some of the counters, before grabbing my bag and quickly leaving out the back door. i still can't shake the feeling of being watched. i quickly get into my car, locking the doors.

i drive home as quickly as i can, practically running into my small apartment. i lock the door behind me, and turned on my playlist, music filling my house. i walk to my room and take off my ring, setting it on my altar. i was going to do a quick protection spell, since i've felt uneasy. and then, i realize i was missing simple herbs. i sighed, frustrated, and checked the time. 8:37pm. i smiled, in relief, and started off to go to the witchy store down the street.

yes, i'm a witch. my mother was a witch, and my father was a hunter. i know, ironic. i never knew much of my father, since he had left my mother, he had a family. it's not that i'm upset with him for leaving my mother, but she was terrified. he was married, widowed, though. sometimes, i wonder what it'd be like to meet my siblings, but, i know that john would never be okay with that. my mother had died a few years ago, when i was sixteen. it's been hard without her around, but i've done good on my own. she'd be so proud of me. i looked down and smiled to myself, pulling at my baggy jeans.

i arrive to the small shop, walking in, the smell of rose incense wafting into my face. a mousy woman, within her late 40's, greeted me with a warm smile, which i returned. "hello (y/n), how are you, babes?" i start off towards the herbs. "i'm fine, a little spooked, but i'll be okay, i just ran low on a few things, i should be out of here in a few minutes." i replied, looking back and smiling at her. "herbs, is that all?" she asked. "well, uhm, actually," i chuckled, nervously, "i had this quartz ring, i had gotten it from my mother when i was fourteen. she had always told me it'd protect me. and when i was closing up shop earlier, i noticed it had broke. so, i'm a little scared." she dropped her smile, a look of worry spreading across her face. "well, when a crystal breaks it usually means it protected you." a reassuring smile appeared back onto her face. "yeah, well, the thing is, after that happened, i still felt scared. and then, when i got home, a protection jar was shattered, on my floor." the worried look returned, again. she sighed, nervously, and started off towards the back of the store. "let me grab something for you, i'll be right back." i felt a little better and went back to grabbing things. i got ripped from my trance-like state as i heard a loud car engine pull up outside of the store, and then stop.

the woman returned to the front of the store, and i walked up to the register. i set down my herbs and ingredients, and going to grab my wallet. i set it down as she opened her hand, giving me me a small necklace, with a glowing yellow crystal. she went on to explain that it should help protect me. i smiled, and payed for my items, and went to leave. before i could open the door, two men in black suits swing it open, almost hitting me with it. the taller one, apologized softly, before they both went to speak to the woman. i left quickly, slightly frightened by the men.

i look over to their car, and see two more men inside of it. i couldn't necessarily make out their appearances, but i could tell one of the men was wearing a...tan trench coat? i chuckled to myself slightly, before continuing down the side walk a little, turning into an alleyway to sit for a minute. i pull out a pack of cigarettes from my bag, and go to light one. as i take drags from it, i can't shake the feeling of being watched, again.
i stand up, and i hear footsteps behind me. suddenly, a man came up behind me. "w-who are you?" he grabs me by the collar of my shirt, his disgusting breath wafting into my face, "your worst nightmare." he growls. i start laughing a bit, and he looks at me, confused, and frustrated. "what?" he snarls. "that was embarrassing, even for me. anyways, i'm going to take my leave now." i say, turning and trying to get away from him. suddenly, he slams my head onto the ground.

everything goes fuzzy.

"fuck." i growled, lifting my head from the wet concrete, wincing in pain from the gash on my forehead. i look up at the large figure before me, "ouch, asshole." is all i can say before he lifts his leg, smashing it into my head, and everything goes black.

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