chapter 5

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y/n's pov;

i park outside of the garage, waking up dean, and grabbing my things from the back seat. cass and jack grab my other bags and we all head inside. as we walk, cass explains to me where some things are and shows me to my new room. "it's right next to mine!" jack exclaims, innocently. it was adorable. after they put my bags down, i sigh, taking in my surroundings. i look around the dim, plain room, realizing i'm going to have to do some decorating. i sit on the bed, opening my laptop. i open a p.o. box at the local walgreens, and go onto amazon. after about an hour of shopping, i bought a couple tapestries, some lights, new bedding, and some other small decorations. i had prime, so it should all arrive in a few days. i sighed, as i got up off the bed, and started hanging up my clothing. after i did that, i put away all of my clothes that went in drawers, and then continued to set up an alter, and organize my makeup and other things.

after i line up my shoes near a wall, i light some incense, and sit on my bed, with a sigh. then, there was a knock at my door. "hey, y/n? can i come in?" it was jack. "of course! come here, come shop with me." i exclaim patting the bed next to me. i decided that i'd get some more things for my room, and some more clothes and stuff. if i'm living here now, and sam and dean have a hacked card, there's no harm in blowing a shit ton of my own money, since i won't be needing it. not to mention, my old rent was relatively cheap, and i got payed a lot at my job, since the old man who owned it was sad and rich and old so he just dumped him money onto my paychecks, since i worked the most, so i had money to spend. i sighed as i put a vinyl onto my record player. i'm going to miss that job. a lot. maybe i could still work there, if i left here at ten every morning. i'll have to ask dean.

"what are we doing?" jack asked, staring confusingly at my laptop. "that, my adorable little friend, is amazon." i say, sitting next to him. "you can buy whatever you want off of there. whatever your heart desires." his eyes light up.
after an hour of scouring amazon and a few other websites, we had found these little cowboy hats on amazon. "can we buy them?" jack asks me, grinning. i smile back at him, giggling a bit. "of course we can." i answer. at the end of everything, i had bought some more decorations for my room, a lot that jack picked out. i had also bought jack some clothes, just because i could, and i had even gotten us some matching onesies. again, just because i could. i had also bought myself some things, but that's not important. there was also the stupid things, like the mini cowboy hats, or the cardboard cutout of obama.

"i'm getting tired, i'm going to find a bathroom to take a shower and change into some sleepwear, if you want you can turn on some netflix." i say, standing up. jack smiles at me, with a simple "ok". i grab some toiletries and fresh clothing, and try to navigate to a bathroom.

after about ten minutes, i found one. i turn on the water, and undress, removing my dirty clothes and laying them neatly on the floor, so it'd be easier to grab them when i get out of here. as i step into the hot water, the world around me melts away. i wash my face, body, and hair, and then just stand there for a few minutes, enjoying the moment of bliss. i then finally stepped out of the shower, drying myself off, and getting dressed again. i brush my teeth, and then grab all my things and try to find my room again.

"hi." i say to jack before throwing my dirty clothes into a laundry basket, and putting down all of my shower things. i climb into my bed, cuddling up next to jack, who was staring intently at my laptop, which had been playing the office. "i don't understand why michael scott acts like that." he says, looking at me, concerned. i let out a slight chuckle. "neither do i, jack. neither do i." i reply before closing my eyes and passing out, next to the nephilim.

jacks pov;

i smile as i look down next to me, y/n cuddled up to me, sleeping peacefully. she's beautiful, i think to myself. i feel all tingly and warm and my stomach feels bubbly, this is so weird. what's happening? i don't understand this feeling, but i think i like it. i lay down next to y/n, closing her laptop. i feel my eyes getting heavy, so i get comfortable, and cuddle into her, taking in her rosey smell.

i close my eyes, and fall asleep.

b e e p
b e e p
b e e p

y/n's pov;

i groan as i turn off my alarm, seeing it's 9:00am. i try to get up, and then realize there's two arms wrapped around me. i smile and blush, before maneuvering my way out of jacks grasp, and walking out into the hallway.

i figure out my way to the kitchen, seeing sam sitting at the table, drinking out of a plastic water bottle. "hey y/n/n. how's it going?" sam looks up, smiling at me. "it's good," i sit down. "so, i didn't quit my job, and i at least need to have a two weeks notice, so i figured maybe i could work for a couple more weeks, solely because i love my job, and i figured if it'd make you guys feel better, i could have jack come with me, so i'm safer." i unload, hoping it'd be okay. "it's also only a two hour drive, so it's not that bad. it'd also help me move the rest of my things out of my apartment." i added, hoping for a good response. "that's perfectly fine, just-be safe. please. we just found out you exist, and we don't want anything to happen to you, you're our little sister, and we love you." sam smiles at me, reassuringly. "great, thank you. i'll go get ready, and wake up jack. i'll talk to my boss about quitting. it's just hard because i love it there, you know?" i smile, sadly, standing up. "yeah, no, i get it. go on, so you're not late." he responds, smiling."

"hey, jackaboy, wake up." all i get back is a grunt. "jack, you're coming with me to work, go get dressed, sillygoose." i say, shaking him lightly. he sits up, smiling at me, all cute with his messy hair. i ruffle it. "go, go on, go get ready." i shove him off my bed, playfully. "okay." he mumbles back, sleepily stumbling out of my room. after he leaves i close my door and start to get dressed. i put on a light purple plaid skirt with pink knee high socks. i then put on an white cropped shirt, with a sky blue sweater over it. i put on a pair of chunky white sneakers, and call it good. i then do my eyebrows, eyeliner, blush, and a shiny pink lip gloss. i throw the top half of my h/c hair up, and call it good. i grab a purse from my closet and shove my phone, wallet, keys, a few hex bags (just in case), my lipgloss, and earbuds in it. i put on a pair of pink tinted glasses on, and leave my room. i walk to the next room over, knocking on the door. "jack? it's time to go." i yell into it, and moments later he opens the door, smiling. "okay!" he says, leading me to the garage.

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