Prolouge: Journey Awaits PT. 3

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WARNING: These chapters will probably be LONG and drawn out, just like the Danganronpa games. If you hate slow burns stories this may not be for you.

Once we were all inside the space ship, everyones excitement finally began to show. "I can't believe we're actually going into space!" Uraraka commented, jumping on Tsu's back.

"Eh. It's not first class, but I guess it can't be helped." Aoyama complained, flipping his hair as he walked by me. I could have swore I tasted glitter.

"I already wanna get off this stupid thing." Bakugou started complaining, while we're not even 10 minutes into our trip. I walked over to the window to take a peek. It didn't surprise me that we were already in the sky. The government likes to love fast with these types of projects. What did surprise me though was that I could still see people below us.

"Woah. Are those my parents? I though the government stopped having ceremonies for this."

Suddenly everyone started crowding me, also staring out the window. The all awed in surprise. "They did, I think. But they stopped broadcasting it after the imposters were removed from the program." Kirishima commented.

"Smartass." Bakugou whispered, even though everyone heard it. We all just ignored him.

"Hey! It's my dad!" Uraraka pointed out the window at a tall brown haired man, who was waving at the ship. She began waving frantically back. Not long after, the room filled with people pointing out their parents and other people they knew. Todoroki, Fumikage, Shinsou, Bakugou, and Midoriya all stayed behind though, almost as if they didn't want to see what was out the window. Bakugou was mumbling to himself, probably complaining again.

Todoroki looked like he didn't wanna be bothered, much like Fumikage, although the was just talking to Dark Shadow. Midoriya, on the other hand, had this unreadable look on his face. He looked so lost in thought, but I could tell the thoughts were not positive ones. He's probably scared because of the entire going to space thing. If I wasn't so excited I'd probably feel the same way. Poor kid.

I attempted to go over there and comfort him but Miss Yaoyorozu suddenly brought up a good point. "Hey, we've been here for a good while, no? Why hasn't that voice from the intercom made an appearance yet?"

"You're right, ribbit. You would have expected some instructions by now."

"What should we do? Should we look for them?"

"That would be wise, but where would we even start? We don't even know where we are right now."

"Or, this could be apart of the program." Denki suddenly said. We all looked at him in confusion. "I mean, we are all Ultimates, right? Maybe this is just apart of the tasks we have to do."

"That's highly unlikely." Todoroki spoke, causing a bunch of girls to gasp. His voice is soooo soothing. Mina started fanning herself a little. "The Savior Project brochure stated that there will be someone on this ship providing us with instructions. I do not think the government would make looking for them apart of the tasks."

It was dead silent for an awkward amount of time. Todoroki looked around at all of us, confused. "What is it? Did I say something wrong? Is there something on my face?"

No one said anything, apart from Mina. She cleared her throat and said. "Um, Todoroki, sweetie. You're so cute, you really are. But, honey, you're the only one who read the brochure." Todoroki just stood there, blinking. He looked like a lost puppy. It was so cute, but so sad. "Oh, okay."

"It appears we're all at a loss for what to do next. Do not fear, for I have the most experience in this field." Iida suddenly began to step up in the the middle of the group, like he was the leader.

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