President Buisness

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(TV) "Ahem, are we rolling?" Asked the president. "Yes." Replied the camera man. "Hello people of Elmore. Sad to say this but we have a big problem. Larry the pizza, cable, electricity, video game... Is there any job in Elmore that this guy doesn't run?" Asked the president. "No sir." Said the camera man. "Well then, Elmore you are plunging into war in a couple of seconds. Goodbye." (TV shuts off) "Uh oh, the power went out!" Said Alan. "Thanks Captain Obvious! Here's your sea legs! Of course the power went out! Larry quit! We are all doomed!" Said Tobias.

"Everybody calm down!" Yelled Penny. "If we are going to get through this we need to stay calm and stay at school!" Everybody groaned. "Good news everybody!" Said Principal Brown over the intercom quietly. "We found a Generator with full battery! So if anyone has a phone call your parents immediately." "Principal Brown." Said Mr. Small. "Wouldn't nobody else have power therefore calling anyone is pointless."

"Whoops sorry. Everybody carry on. If you wish use the power as you please." Said Principal Brown. "Well, Penny, I guess this is like an extended date? Sort of between you and me?" Said Gumball. Penny smiled and laughed in a nice way. "What are you talking about!? It's the APOCALYPSE! THIS IS NO TIME FOR, hello Carrie!" Said Tobias.

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