Chapter 1: The Notice

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Chapter 1: The Notice

It was a peaceful day on Insanity Island where we find our hero, Crash Bandicoot, with his younger sister, Coco Bandicoot, sitting peacefully on the shores of the beach napping and cruising the internet. Aku Aku is relaxing in a beach chair while Polar was sniffing out something and digging holes on the beach. It was completely peaceful... Almost.

Two islands over, Cortex was fuming in his castle, wondering why he always gets defeated by that dumb marsupial, Crash. He kept pacing the room, his lab, muttering under his breath of different ways he could get rid of Crash...

"Maybe... No, that won't work... No, I already tried that... Grrrrr!!!!!!" Cortex clutched his head in frustration for the lack of ideas he had. Just then, N. Gin walked in with a tray that had a sandwich and tea.

"Dr. Cortex, you've been up here for 18 hours straight. You can't plot evil schemes on an empty stomach and lack of sleep." Cortex turned and glared at him, replying, "Do you think I care about that while Crash Bandicoot is still undefeated? I will not rest until I..."

Suddenly, the door was thrown open by none other than Uka Uka. "Cortex! What have you been doing, sitting around with an empty head?! You better have come up with a plan that will destroy Crash Bandicoot once and for all, or so help me, I'll find a replacement for you to work for!!!!"

Cortex trembled under Uka Uka's glare that honestly scared him to death. "I... Um... You see, I, uh..." "Out with it!" Cortex's quivered under the harsh gaze of the ancient mask. "I-i... uh..." Cortex kept stuttering. "Ugh, I don't have time for this! I'm leaving to seek out more help since you are too incompetent to do anything right now! I shall return!" and with that, the mask teleported out of the room in a puff of black smoke. The two evil scientists stood still for a few minutes before N. Gin broke the silence. "... I'll just leave."

He closed the door behind him as he left, leaving Cortex with his thoughts, 'Why do I keep getting myself in these types of situations? I really need to retire one of these days... but the first order of business... Sleep.'

Cortex headed to his room changed from his lab clothes to his pajamas, and then got in and settled down in his bed. Sleep quickly overtook the sleep-deprived scientist.

'Where am I? What is this?' Cortex looked around to find himself in a dark forest. 'That's strange. I don't remember going for a walk... or have sleepwalking problems.'

He started walking in a random direction to start exploring the area. With every step he took, Cortex could swear that the shadows all around him were closing in on him. He finally started to feel uneasy when he felt like he was being followed. He sped up his pace more, but the feeling persisted. Eventually, Cortex was full-blown running.

"*Huff* *huff* What do you want?! Who are you and why are you chasing?!!" He stopped and leaned against a tree to catch his breath. He suddenly heard laughter all around him. It was a female laugh. "Who am I? Great question, Dr. Neo Periwinkle Cortex, Great question. But, right now, you'll have to hold that thought, because I am in a little bit of a rough spot so you need to wait for a while."

Cortex kept trying to locate the source of the voice while it spoke. "What do you mean, 'I need to wait a while'? You didn't even answer my question! And how do you know my name?!" The voice giggled one last time before disappearing. It left Cortex with a feeling of dread and a chill down his spine before everything faded to black.

Cortex woke up to his alarm clock blaring at him to wake up. He just simply smashed his hand down on the snooze button to shut the stupid thing up. 'Another day, another way to destroy that stupid bandicoot.' Cortex thought to himself begrudgingly while getting dressed in his lab clothes. Cortex left his room to make way to his lab to think up more plans while waiting for Uka Uka's return.

(A/N): Well? What do you think will happen next? Let me know in the comments what you think of this story if I should continue or not. Until next time, Firebug blazing out!

(Will edit story later)

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