myg - fight night.

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"You're always the same! Why can't you just talk to me instead of pretending I don't exist?" You screamed, throwing your pillow at your boyfriend of six months. He dodged swiftly, his expression unreadable. It was one of the things you both loved and hated about him. Right now you hated it.

You hated the way his jet black hair fell over his face and covered his cool, cat-like onyx eyes. You hated the way his pale skin was a stark contrast to his dark hair and how his cheeks made him seem almost angelic and babylike. You hated how his perfect pink lips were almost always set in a flat line. But most of all, you hated how he was unreadable, his expression rarely changing.

"Yoongi! I'm talking to you!" You growled, storming over to him and shoving him in the chest, hard. He barely moved and that only made you angrier. He sighed, rolling his eyes before flicking his gaze down at you lazily.

"What is there to talk about?" He asked flatly.

"Why you don't want to go public with our relationship! You always avoid it when I ask." You reverberated, glaring up at him. It was true. Once you two had become official, you had always hinted at him that you wanted the world to know that you were each other's. Your previous boyfriend had wanted to keep the both of you in the dark and it turned out it was because he had a girlfriend and a baby on the way. It really left a scar on you.

"I just don't see the point. Who cares if anyone knows that we're together or not. It's not their business." He replied.

"But I care." You argued. "I want us to be able to go out and for people to acknowledge that we're both off limits. I'm not blind. I can see all those girls slipping their numbers to you whenever we go to dinner or get coffee, even if you don't do anything about it." Your crossed your arms and looked at him expectantly. All you got in response was the same infuriating flat expression that boiled your blood.

"You know what," you seethed. You could feel your emotions rising and angry tears beginning to well up in your eyes. You turned away from him quickly so he couldn't see it. "Fine. All I want is for someone to love me openly instead of keeping me hidden like a skeleton in their closet. Go fuck yourself." You didn't even turn around to see his expression - as unreadable as always, no doubt - as you stomped away as quickly as you could, reaching for your bag on the couch.

Before you could hoist it onto your shoulder, you were pushed onto the couch and roughly flipped over so your back was leaning on the couch, your bag forgotten as it tumbled to the floor. Yoongi's veined hand clasped your throat lightly as he glared down at you, anger and lust swirling in their depths. Finally, a reaction from him.

"What did you just say to me?" He hissed, leaning down so there was barely any space between your face and his. You glared back at him defiantly, not responding. He glowered at you, hand tightening on your throat, just so there was some constriction of your airways. Your hands reached up to grasp his strong hand, body trembling in anticipation and you clenched your thighs together unconsciously.

"I said, what did you just say to me." He looked at you angrily, waiting for you to challenge him again. His body was hovering over yours on the couch with one knee on the couch to support his weight and the other on the floor.

"I said," you started with a strained voice, shuffling as close to his face as he would allow with his hands on your throat, "Go. Fuck. Yourself." You iterated in a harsh whisper slowly. Heat flooded straight to your core as Yoongi laughed maniacally before glaring back down at you.

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