Part 1

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So it was 2am, me and my five other friends are still an hour away from home. We're all wasted so we're walking, this makes the hour walk feel like twenty hours instead. Oh yeah, I should probably tell you my name. My names Anna, I'll tell you the names of my friends now so you don't get confused during the story. There's Adam, my brother and his girlfriend Kim. Then there's Camron, Lucy, and Felix. Ok now to continue the story.

We're walking, just started about five minutes ago and we just got away from the bar. I look around and Felix is starting to trip all over himself, no one else is helping. Probably because if they did they would just fall with him. Ugh, I let out a sigh as I walk over to help him. Thank goodness I did because the second I held out my hand he toppled onto me grabbing it. "Oh thanks Anna, that was a close one." He gave me one of those dorky drunk smiles and I pulled him up. "Yeah, no problem. Just please don't make us both fall." He laughed and said "I'll try but no promis-*hiccup* promises."

Lovely, he's so drunk he's hiccuping? But whatever, I guess it's not his fault he wanted to have fun. When I look away from him I see that we've fallen way behind. Those idiots didn't even try to slow down, but soon karma hit them because Camron and Lucy fell. I couldn't help but laugh which made Felix laugh. "Ok Felix let's catch up to them." But instead of speeding up he slows down... I look up at him, he looks terrified. "Felix?" "Shhh!" "What?" He pushes both of us into an alley and ducks me behind a trash can next to him. " Felix what the hell are you doing? I mean I know you're drunk but dang I didn't know you were this drunk!" All he does is put a finger to his mouth.

I sit there really confused. So instead of talking out loud I go close to his ear and whisper to him. "Can you tell me what we're doing behind a trash can?" He turns to me and whispers "When Camron and Lucy fell they never got back up, as we got closer I couldn't see them anywhere..." I smack him and yell "you idiot! They probably turned the corner!" He covers my mouth before I can say anything else then whispers to me "I wasn't finished" he takes a look around as if seeing if anything heard me yelling at him. He then starts whispering again when he doesn't see anyone. "As we got closer to where they fell I saw blood stains, fresh blood stains. And they had dragging marks like someone or something dragged them away dramatically." He looks around again, he seems entirely sober but just a few minutes ago he was stumbling and hiccuping.

"So, you're telling me that something drag two people away that are 100 plus pounds in only the matter of seconds?" He grabs my shoulders and yells "yes!" He goes back to a whisper saying "I don't know how but I swear to you that's what I saw." Then I hear Adams scream and a sound I'm assuming is Kim being hit with something. I go to stand up but Felix grabs my arm shaking his head, I try to pull away but he's stronger than me. I try one more time but he pulls me down before I would even loosen his grip on my arm. "Please, I know he's your brother but please don't go out there. I don't want to be here alone." He looks worried that at any second I could run off and abandon him here. "Fine Felix, but if this is some prank or my brother is hurt because you didn't let me go just know I won't forget it." He shakes his head "this is definitely not a prank, at least I wasn't told about it. I'm pretty sure your brother can hold his own, he's a big guy." I know he's probably right my brother is 200 pounds of muscle but I still can't get over the scream.

But then I remember Kim, she's the weakest person in the group even compared to Lucy! Kim's only 115 pounds and she can't pick up a leaf. "Felix we have to at least check on them, my brother might be able to protect himself but everyone else, theres no way!" He doesn't move a muscle until we hear whistling down the alley we're in. I feel my heart drop, it doesn't sound like anyone we were with. I'm praying it's just a passerby but then I hear Lucy's voice... it's distorted and deeper than usual, as if she was losing her voice and hurt. Felix pulls me closer to him, I know that nothing would be able to see us unless it was truly trying. I hear Lucy again "The, n-night..." and it stops right next to the light. It's definitely not Lucy, it's no one we were with I know that for sure.

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