Graduation & Meeting again

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Jimin's POV

I took my diary and open it as I started writing


Dear Diary,
                  It is almost time that Inna noona graduate. Its 27 of March 2019 and they will be graduating on 12 April 2020. That means I won't be getting tuitions as it is already time that she studies hard for her finals exam.

It also comes with the sad fact that I won't be able to see her for a long time. I have more two classes to graduate. I will miss her very much and I hope she doesn't get a boyfriend during the time she will be in her university.

Inna noona told me she will be studying in SNU. I wanna study there too. I will work hard to get into the university with Inna noona.

Study well Jimin. You can get with Inna noona to SNU. Fighting!

-Park Jimin.

I slowly close my diary and kept it inside my bag. Inna noona had told me she can't give tutions anymore as she had her finals around the corner.

I agreed. I can't let her fail. She once told me that she will be getting itno SNU and thats the reason I have to study hard to get admissions it SNU.

I really will miss her.


Inna's POV

"Jimin you said you wanted to get into SNU too. Study hard for it." I cheered him up. "Yes Noona. I will study hard. You take care too. I will miss you." Jimin replied.

"Aww I will miss you too." I said. It was a few days before when me and Jisoo graduated and apparently we are going to SNU. Will you believe, we got admitted there. I was so happy.

"Inna. Be quick. We are getting late." Jisoo yell from the car. "Okay Jimin. I have to go. Bye take care. Study hard. You can always contact me if you got doubts. Okay." I said as I kiss his cheek and smile at him.

Jimin flush red and nodded and waved back. I went to the car and wave at Jimin for the last time before closing my door. Jimin waved back and off we went.

We were going to another apartment. My and Jisoo's parents bought us an apartment near SNU. We were heading there.

See you Jimin after your graduation at SNU.


Jisoo's POV

We reach the apartment. Our parents help us to settle our things and went away back to our real home. This apartment was only big enough for 2 people as our parents had bought the apartment according to us.

"Inna. I am going for a walk. Wanna join?" I ask. "No. Too tried." Inna said as she felt asleep on the couch. I laugh as i went out.

I walk around the neighbor and soon a reached a park. I was sitting in the bench when a familiar voice called my name. My eyes widened. Is he here?

Taehyung's POV

I was walking in the park when I saw a familiar figure sitting in the bench. Is she really here. "Jisoo." I called as i walk towards her.

The girl turn around and it really was Jisoo. I reach the bench and sat beside her. "Hi Taehyung." Jisoo greeted. "Hi. What are you doing here?" I ask. "Oh. I was enrolled in SNU and so my parents bought us a apartment near the university. I came here for a stroll." she explained.

My eyes widen "you are studying in SNU?" I ask npt believing my ears. Jisoo nodded. "I enrolled there too. My apartment is nearby." I said. "You do? Wah." Jisoo said as she smile.

"Than i gues we will be seeing each other often." I said as Jisoo nodded. "Then do you mind if we exchange numbers?"


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