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You and the team were away on a case. You were giving out the profile when you got a call. "Hi" you answered quietly, not wanting to be too loud so everyone could hear. "Hello, is this (y/n) (l/n)?" said the voice, you were certain you didn't know this person. So, why were they calling? "Yes, may I ask who this is?" You responded "oh, yes, sorry. I'm Doctor Watson. Your father was ammitted to Saint Paul's hospital just a few hours ago because of a car crash, he's going to be alright, a few bruises, but you were in his emergency call list so it was necessary for me to phone you." "Oh" was all you could say. "Thanks for calling, please phone again if anything happens" you said shakily after what seemed like forever "will do". You ended the call and sat down. Everyone had finished giving the profile, so they were all dispersing. "Y/n?" You heard your name so your head shot up to see a very concerned Spencer starring at you "yes?" You asked, trying to calm yourself down from the news you had just received. "What's wrong? And don't say nothing because I can tell when you're lying." He responded, sitting next to you and putting his hand on your knee. "My dad's in the hospital, he was in a car crash earlier this morning" you responded truthfully, your eyes starting to gloss over with a new fresh set of tears. "I'm so sorry. I'm sure he'll be fine" Spencer hugged you sideways while still sitting on the couch. "I hope so" you murmured into his shoulder as he drew circles on the small of your back.

You had just finished calling your family members to inform them on what was going on when you received a call. You looked at the caller ID, scared that it was the hospital to tell you that something had happened, but lucky, it was Spencer. "Hi" you said "hey, So. We have an address of a suspect. Hotch wants you and Emily to stay in the office while me, Hotch, Morgan, and JJ go check it out." He said "Alright, be safe." You said with concern "Thanks" he responded "love you, bye" love you? What was that for? If was probably because you were on the phone with your family the whole afternoon but it wasn't meant to come out now! Or maybe you said it because it was true. You were just about to say something when he cut in "likewise" then he hung up. How were you supposed to get yourself out of this one?

"Likewise? He said likewise? He totally likes you. Not like everyone in the office didn't already know that but this just proves that theory even more" said Emily. Turns out the suspect actually was the unsub so you were all packing to go back to Quantico. "I don't know.." You said, then JJ cut in "your brain knows what your heart wants and in this case your mouth 'accidentally' spoke it out loud" she said with a wink. "Haha" you laughed mockingly. "Emily and I are heading downstairs, do you want to come?" Jj asked, as they headed towards the stairs. "I need to get my things then i need to take this to the jet" you said, gathering your things, JJ and Emily were probably already downstairs. You walked towards the elevator, press the button, the doors opened, and you stepped in and immediately someone yelled "Wait! Hold the door!" You held the door for no other than Spencer. He realized it was you and stood beside you as the elevator started going down. You spoke first "look, what I said on the phone, I mean, I meant it but I didn't mean to say it and I don't even know what I'm say-" you were cut off by Spencer pressing his lips to yours. You dropped the box you had in your hands and flung your arms around his neck, playing with your hair, he snaked his arms around your waist. This went on until you heard a 'ding' noise, but it wasn't from the elevator, it was an imitation of one from someone's mouth. You and Spencer both turned to see the entire team facing you two.

Hotch turned to Morgan and gave him a smirk. Morgan groaned and gave Hotch a 20$ bill. "You bet on us?" You asked, holding spencers hand. "It wasn't really a bet if it was obvious" Hotch joked. You hid your head in Spencer chest as JJ came over "still think he 'doesn't like you'?" She asked smugly. You stuck your tongue out at her. Eventually you were all on the jet, flying back home. Except this time, your head was on Spencers shoulder, and his arm was around your waist. And the only thing you could think of was 'out of all the things that could happen on an elevator'.

Hey guys! Hope you liked it! I'll be sure to put smut in the next one it that's what you'd like. Sorry I haven't been posting, school sucks. have a great day and please leave feedback ~phoneboothgirl

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