Chapter 18

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"And you're going?" Sarah asked.

I nodded my head. "I think I need to be open with him," I told her. "He's allowing me to see the Liam I've never seen before. Why shouldn't I?"

Sarah smiled. "I would never imagine you and Liam as a couple of months ago," she said.

And she was right. I would have never imagined it either. I never expected things to change this year, either.

But they did. Whether it was for the better or worse. I had to see what will happen.

"I know. I wouldn't have either," I said, playing with my fingers. "I don't even know how it happened," I sighed. She giggled. "Yet it did,"

"What you girls talking bout?" Skyler asked, taking a seat across from us at the cafeteria table.

"Nothing really," I said.

"Nothing for us, everything for her," Sarah said with a grin. I immediately glared at her.

"Ooo do tell," Skyler said, leaning forward, resting her head against her arm. "She's going on a date!" Sarah exclaimed loudly.

"Shhh," I put my index finger on my lips, gesturing her to be quiet. "The whole school doesn't need to know that,"

"No way, Storm!! I am sooo happy for you. Who are you going with?"

I hesitated a moment to tell her. I knew Skyler didn't get along with anyone from that group. She always told me how much she wanted to punch each of them in the mouth any chance she gets.

"I-well... Liam and I-"

"Miller!" Liam shouted as he made his way to our table with both Luke and Isaac by his side. I can see the annoyed look on Skyler's face as they approached.

I looked over at Sarah, who looked more nervous than anything as they took a seat. Liam beside me, Luke next to Sarah and Isaac next to Sky.

Liam slipped his hand under the table, placing his hand on my thighs and a breath caught in my throat. He leaned in closer and whispered into my ear. "I've been thinking about you all day," before retrieving his hand back.

"So for our date, Are you excited?" He asked, leaning his head back.

"You're going on a date with him?!!" Skyler asked, her mouth wide open.

"Well- I,"

"What's wrong with that? You and I also went on a date yesterday," Isaac beside her said with a grin.

Skyler turned her head to look at him for a few seconds before she elbowed him right in his stomach. He yelped in pain, but she only ignored him.

"But are you serious?" She implored.

"It's not a big deal, Sky," I told her.

Liam's hand went back under and onto my thighs. He squeezed it softly.

"Not a big deal?? You're going on a date with a literal psychopath," she said.

Isaac's jaw clenched. "Talk about him like that again," he defended Liam.

"Or what?" She asked, crossing her arm and scowling at him.

I can see the anger boiling into Isaac.

"I won't hold back, Davis," he told her. His hand is forming a fist. I was afraid of what he was capable of doing, and in the way, Sky spoke to him only made me nervous for her.

"I'm waiting, Brown," she challenged him with her daring eyes.

"Leave it," Liam said. "I don't care what she says," he looked at me. "It doesn't matter,"

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