Chapter 19

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I started getting ready without still knowing what exactly to wear.

Liam had simply told me to dress comfortably.

But I had no idea what he meant by that. My version of comfortable was a hoodie and sweatpants, but I could not show up wearing that.

So I made the safe choice of wearing some high-waisted black denim jeans with a white off-the-shoulder sweater shirt.

It was definitely comfortable but also appropriate for the date.

I straightened my hair and did a simple makeup look with a bit of mascara and some clear lipgloss.

I decided just to read a book while waiting for him to get me.

He had specifically mentioned 7.

Cassian had left after a while. We had talked it over, and I can still tell there so much I didn't know, but I didn't ask any more things.

It was already 6:30, and I knew he would be arriving soon.

Though I knew while I read, I wouldn't realize time was flying right by. And that was the truth because when I check my phone, it was already 7:45.

Forty-five minutes had passed, and Liam was still not here.

Maybe he had to help his mom.

I forced myself to make up excuses in my head for all the reasons why he might have been late, but as more time passed, I was sure he was not coming.

How could I? I've been such a fool. I believed him.

No part of me doubted him, but now that he actually stood me up, I should have.

I felt the tear fall onto my cheeks as I took my makeup off and changed my clothes.

To think he had changed. I should have been smart and know he would pull a stunt like this, but once again, I was the one that came out.

I carried myself to my bed and under my blanket. I hated feeling so slugged. But right now, it felt as if it was the only thing that felt right.

I let myself cry until sleep took me over, and I fell right into a deep slumber.


I woke up by the loud banging on my front door. I checked my phone as it read 3:08 am.

I groaned and got off my bed, and made my way downstairs. I had first thought it was my parents who had left their keys home, but I knew they usually come in the morning either way.

I opened the door to find Liam standing at my front step, wholly bloodied.

I gasped.

He opened his mouth to say something, but he was panting heavily before falling right into me.

His body crushed me, and it was a miracle I was even able to hold him without tumbling right onto the floor.

I pulled him inside and placed him on the couch.

He held the side of his waist that was bleeding so much.

"Oh my gosh, Liam! You have to go to a hospital," I told him.

"No, I don't. Just go get me your first aid kit," he said.

"We can go now. My parents are working. We won't even have to wait," I told him.

"Go get the first aid kit now!" He ordered.

I sighed and rushed to grab the first aid kit from the kitchen and handed it to him.

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