Chapter 13-Physics

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Let you're positive energy be contagious.


"So, let's say a stone is thrown with a velocity of 5ms-1 at an angle of 30° to the horizontal. What would be the time of flight T, maximum height H and range, R. Using (g=10m/s²) ?"

The physics teacher who had been going on and on with the topic Projectile Motion, asked. since it was a theoretical physics class, they had not gone to the lab rather had remained in the classroom to do the learning. The whole class settled immediately to solve whatever he asked while Yara had her head lain on her desk. Her head felt like it was going to explode anytime soon especially after she had gone clubbing last night.

"0.5s " Seun replied in a matter of seconds.

"Anyone else?" The physics teacher, Mr Korede, asked again, raking his eyes over them in anticipation

"(2.22)" another random person eagerly replied. A low mumble broke out from the rest of the other classmates in disagreement

"Okay. That's alright. Time's up. Seun, can you tell the class how you arrived at that?"

Suen got up with a confident smile, adjusting his glasses before speaking

"I used T=2u sin∅/g which gave me T=2x5x0.5/10=0.5s"

"Perfect!!" Mr Korede exclaimed

"No way!! " Another exclaimed again in jaw dropping astonishment

"C'mon Galileo! How come I never thought of that?" Maxwell, a short fair guy with button nose and small mouth exclaimed at Seun

"That's because you've never thought before" Shauna. A random classmates retorted causing the whole class including Mr Korede to burst into laughter

"Sir I don't understand" someone yelled in frustration after the laughter had subsided. Mr Korede went on to explain further after congratulating seun who had a big shy smile etched on his face as he took his seat.

After a big round of more exercises, explanation, complaint, disagreement and approval. The class of 45mins was finally over

"So turn in your last term C.A before school's over. Seun, make sure to bring them to me" he announced

Seun nodded in agreement. He was Mr Korede's favorite student afterall.with a fire brain and calm exterior. Mr Korede on his part was one of the best teachers, Bluebell had. His patience and tolerance earned him Bluebell's favorite teacher of the year. To him, teaching wasn't just a job but also a vocation.

But now, seeing Yara peacefully sleeping all throughout his 45mins of teaching, he felt his patience and tolerance being tempted.

"Miss Williams! " he called out aloud. She fluttered her eyes open at his pretty loud voice. Raising her face up to meet his disappointed stare

"I don't appreciate you sleeping in my class" he said flatly

"My bad...I got tired besides, Seun's answer was incomplete" she replied with an impassive stare at the teacher who quipped his eyebrows is curiosity

"Care to explain what you mean?"

"Using H=u2 sin²∅/2g, I got, H=5² sin² 30(2x10)=0.31 and R=U² si 2∅/g=5² sin 60/10=5²x. 8/10=2.0m " She was quite good in physics so she could comfortably bet her confidence on giving the correct answer

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