Chapter 3

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Dumbledore had been completely blindsided. Dementors at Hogwarts? The idea was demented. The ministry had approved this despite his outrage, and now, it seemed, he was as powerless to the situation as he had been with the ministry. 

Students would be coming in only a matter of hours, and the Dementors were flying relatively loosely all over the school grounds. Dumbledore had done his best to keep most of those things under control, but knowing where each one was and where it was going was humanly impossible. His best would have to do. 

McGonagall had offered to keep an eye on them and he had sent a letter to the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Remus Lupin, to keep a close watch on the students while on the train. 

Dumbledore wasn't comfortable, no, and absolutely not complacent, but still he feared the worst. 


Harry said one final goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasely, waving at them from the other side of the window. As the train left the station with a tired rumbling, Harry turned towards his friends. Hermione was sitting in front of him, and Ron was devouring some chocolate frogs to her left. To his right laid a man, asleep below his dark black blanket.

His friends seemed laid back. Harry fidgeted with his fingers, almost desperately. He hadn't told them yet. He hadn't found the words to tell his friends that his life seemed to be, yet again, in danger. Harry looked again at his friends and was forced to play it off with a nervous look around the room as Hermione turned her head toward him.

"Everything all right, Harry?" She questioned him. He thought for a second about what to answer. A knot formed in his stomach, as he moved his lips, attempting to formulate a response. He felt a chill like a frozen finger slowly moving down his spine. It wasn't until that moment that he realized how much he had been sweating. 

"Seriously, you've been acting weird all morning," Ron interjected. 

With a voice thick and unsteady he let it all finally out.

"Let me get this straight. Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban to come after you?" Ron questioned. 

"They'll catch Black won't they?" Hermione added, in some hopeless attempt at self-reassurance, "I mean everyone's looking for him."

"Sure," Ron replied, seemingly amused, "Except... no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before."

"Mr. Weasely said they did," Harry scoffed, knowing how innocent he sounded.

Ron raised his brow at him, "Well, either way, he's a rampaging lunatic. And he's on the loose."

"Thanks, Ron."

"I'm sure it'll be fine you two," Hermione said, moving her hand to Harry's shoulder and giving her best attempt at a reassuring smile, "Hogwarts has everything under control, I'm sure."

"Like they've had the past two years," Ron and Harry said in unison. 

Hermione scowled at the two, "You guys need to be more positive."

"You're asking that to a guy who has Sirius Black after him."

"Ron, that's enough," Hermione raised her voice at her friend.

"It's fine," Harry smiled at her, "You're right. Hogwarts probably already has something planned. If Mr. Weasely knew about Sirius Black coming after me, there's no doubt someone in that whole school has already heard too." 

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