Chapter 6

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(The Next day)

I woke up to the sound of my phone blowing up. I look at it and see that mom has been calling and texting me. I pick up the phone and call her.

FInally you answered! Are you okay? Where's your brother? Is he hurt? I saw the news!

"I'm okay now, just a broken leg. Kat has refused to leave my side, and no he has no major injuries, only small cuts and bruises."

Oh thank god! How come you and your teacher only got seriously hurt?

"Because everyone was hiding while I was making a plan to help. I put myself in the line of fire to save him from being killed, I would rather have him alive and be hurt than him be dead and me fine."

Did you win?

"Yup! I managed to stall long enough for one of our classmates to go and get help. I even challenged the leader and beat him in hand to hand combat! I learned about them too"

That's good but don't get yourself killed! I'll call you later to check up on you okay?

"Okay bye Mom I love you"

Love you too, bye

call ended*

I looked at my brother and gently shook him awake. He looked at me and got of of the bed.

"Are you okay?" he said and looked at me

"Yeah, i'm fine. Just finished talking to mom."

"Oh okay, i'm going home to pick up our uniforms"


He walked out of the office and after a few minutes, recovery girl came in with AllMight and a mummified Aizawa.

Recovery girl: How are you feeling dear?

"I'm feeling a lot better"

AllMight: If you're up to it, can you answer a few questions?

"Let me guess, you want to know how I made a plan to stall until you guys got there."

Aizawa: Yes, how did you know?

"It's not that hard to guess, since i'm sure you asked my brother about it and he most likely summarized it and told you to wait till I woke up. Am I right?

Aizawa: Yes, how can you read people so easily?

"Because I live in a house full of people who can't express their feelings very well, I have to read their movements, expressions, and the environment around me to get a feel of what they are feeling or want to say. I also know how to say the right words to deceive opponents while also reading their movements so I can tell when is the perfect opportunity to strike."

AllMight: Very smart, Just like when you took the written exam.

"See unlike my brother, I tend to be more strategic. I don't make any unnecessary movements because I don't have a strength quirk. I can't risk straining my body more than it needs to. Katsuki sometimes acts on instinct or whatever he thinks is best. Which may cause unnecessary strain which I don't want for him. So we tend to be a good team. Now, i'll explain the plan that I made."

As I explained the plan, they looks very surprised on how observant my plan was. I explained how using my classmates was a risk but it was either Aizawa dying or doing this. Which increased his chances of survival. After I finished explaining, they looked shocked and pleased at the same time.

AllMight: Did you ever use your quirk?

"No, if I kept it a mystery, it would keep them on edge. I relied on stealth, speed, my mind, and my own skills. May I have a piece of paper and pencil?

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