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“They don’t want to back down” my Beta Jeff announced, I growled in frustration, “Then we shall fight, I will not allow them to take any of my land” Jeff nodded, before excusing himself. I ran my fingers through my hair; The Mideast Pack did not to cooperate and kept crossing our borders, and now all of a sudden it’s their land? Heck no! These lands at the moment were my lands… you might think why at the moment; well it’s because of the fact that once I find my mate, it’ll be our land. I haven’t found her yet, but my wolf says her wolf howls for us… yeah right. “Alpha you must sign these papers” my third in command said after knocking on my office’s door.

I looked at the papers; they had no way in winning this war at all. With about 572 pack members including; men women and kids. That required to be feed with a total of nearly over $2,000 per month on the packs food. We were a pretty big and powerful pack, while they had; 480 pack members, it would take a miracle if they won. Just because we are more doesn’t mean we are going to win… well it does, but that’s not the point. The point is my pack practices at least two hours every day since the age of ten. Besides being tortured to practice, they are already in condition, and I make sure that their training is exciting.

The only thing I was missing was my Luna, oh where were you? If I don’t find her soon, I’ll have to mate another, because an Alpha needs his Luna; to function and satisfy his and the packs needs. I promised myself if by the end of this year I didn’t find her, I would make Ana the Luna. She would actually be a very good Luna, though many of the pack members don’t like her, she satisfies my needs and that’s good enough for me.

I shook my head, I shouldn’t be sleeping with her, because if I find out my Luna has a boyfriend or anything related to that, I would kill him in a heartbeat and complete the mating process with her right away… so I’m a hypocrite? I haven’t slept with Ana since January and today was November 13, shit it’s been a while. I won’t break my promise though, if I want my Luna to be single when I find her, I will have no one either… just to be fair of course.

After going through some papers, I took a long steamy shower and went to sleep. Tomorrow was a day no one will forget for some reason…


It was already 7:00p.m, and even though it was supposed to get dark; it was actually a beautiful fall or wintery afternoon.

I kept my eyes on the floor as the other pack arrived, “This is the last time, we are warning you” I could hear their Beta announce, please father! I begged in my mind. “I will stand foot my pack and I aren’t going anywhere” he growled at the Beta, which by the way earned him some nasty growls and snarls from the opposed pack. “Get ready, as soon as father howls”

‘One, two…’ he seemed to hesitate ever so slightly, ‘three!’ I looked up and looked at my opponent right across the field; I swallowed and ran towards my opponent, a male, a big one. I started to look at their pack, I could tell many didn’t want to fight, and I knew neither did we. We were about a mile away, ‘Father I demand to know the reason why we are battling’ he growled at me to go faster without answering my question.

He was such a stubborn man! I kept my running though, my feet digging into the earth’s ground. I used to like to run, but now I love it… except if I’m heading towards my doom. I was legit scared, I couldn’t shake this stupid feeling! We stopped about thirty feet away from them, and I finally looked up. I made contact with a coal black wolf, ‘Wohoo! Someone’s got a mate!’ my wolf howled, that’s our mate? ‘Of course hun’ my tail went between my legs and I quickly looked down, no he can’t see me!

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