Chapter 2

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Chapter specific warnings: none

"Bakugou?" You asked again, confused as to why your classmate didn't answer you.

Katsuki tried hard not to break out into tears. "I'm visiting my grandma," he lied. "Just saw you from the window and thought I'd say hi."

You looked at him, surprised. "That is incredibly nice of you. I remember you being kind of a rude guy," you chuckled lightly and scratched your head. "But then again, my memory isn't the best lately."

No shit. Your memory was like swiss cheese, he had known that the moment he had looked at you. His insides were hurting so much. What was he supposed to do now? He was going to have to leave you here with this stranger, and he had to accept that. He wouldn't be able to kiss you goodbye, not even give you a hug. Seeing you so close, yet so far away, was tearing his heart apart.

"Well, I hope you're feeling better soon," he said, trying to turn around without starting to cry.

You were still confused as to why he seemed so calm and friendly, you could've sworn that he was an unlikeable douchebag from what you remembered of him. But almost two years had passed since then, maybe he had grown out of that attitude by now. You saw how he started to walk away, his hands in his pockets, hunched over as if to make himself as small as possible. You couldn't help but feel bad for him, maybe his grandma really wasn't doing very well.

"Hey Bakugou," you said, making him stop in his tracks. "Thanks. I hope your grandma is feeling better soon too."

He didn't turn around. Instead, he extended his arm to the side and gave you a shaky thumbs-up. You sighed and looked back down to Yami whose head was still positioned in your lap. You caught him already looking at you, and it made you blush violently. "Stop looking at me," you said, trying to hide your face behind your hands. Yami shifted a little, bringing his own hands to your face and removing yours, revealing your blushing face.

"But I like looking at you."

Your body was trembling. This guy was so intense, and you had no idea how to deal with it. You had never had a boyfriend before, hell you hadn't even had your first kiss yet. To say you were shy was an understatement. "Why?"

He grinned and brushed a strand of hair from your face. "Because you're pretty."

Your entire body heated up and you were pretty sure that you had never blushed harder before. You shook your head, trying to hide from his gaze, but he was assertive, not letting go of you. "You're even prettier when you're blushing like that," he stated, a small smile on his lips. "No wonder I fell for you so quickly."

You gasped for air. You were sure that this guy would be the death of you. Your heart was beating out of your chest, and he could tell how nervous you were. He just smiled and stood up from the bench, offering you his hand and helping you to stand up. Once you were back on your feet, he pulled you closer towards him, gently wrapping his arms around you. You didn't know what was happening to you, but you didn't want to complain. You just felt so comfortable around him, almost as if you were in a bubble that only contained the two of you.

He was quite a bit taller than you, leaving you to look up at him to gaze into his eyes. "What are you doing?" You whispered.

"I'm just savouring every moment with you before I have to leave the hospital tomorrow," he said, softly touching your cheek.

Tears were welling up in your eyes. "Stop making it sound like I'll never get to see you again" You pouted a little.

He chuckled lightly. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see that cute pout of yours. You'll be out of here in no time, and then we can see each other every day... if you want."

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