Pray for Love and Life

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POV Kayla

Back and forth, back and forth. I just can't stop pacing around hospital room 507. Its been almost 30 minuets, I almost have the urge to call my mom even though its not her time of the month to visit. After deciding for another 14 minuets or so, I finally dial my moms number and after a while all I hear is 'please leave a message after the tone... beeeeeeeep'

"Mom, please hurry to Kaiser Hospital, there was an accident with grandma," I sob into the phone, "please hurry." Right as I whisper out the last part I hear the door open. And my heart feelt so much excitement thinking the person who was coming out was my grandma. But when I did not feel her wrinkled skin, and smell her antique smelling clothes. I noticed I was hugging a really tall doctor. I step back and blush from embarrasment .

"S-sorry," I barley get out. Then I realize that my grandma was still in there, "Oh yeah, what about my grandma?!" I ask with a little bit of worry in my voice.

"Where is your parent or guardian sweetie?" He says with a little bit of worry.

"My grandma is my guardian. If anything I'm her gardian!" I say with anger iny voice.

"Sorry hun, but your grandma has gone into a coma. When she fell off her wheelchair she hit her head really hard on the floor, causing her brain to shut down." His face starts to fill with pity.

As I am about to say something to him I hear my mom yelling down the hall, "Kayla!! Kayla!!" Her panting echoed through the slim hallways, "Dr...."

"Oh yeah, Berk." He reaches out and shakes her hand, and she shakes back.

"Hello. So what about my mother?" She asks worried.

"SHES IN A FRIKKIN COMA!" I say with an impatient tone. "Now may I see my grandma, please." And the doctor motions me into the room while opening the door. And all I see is my very still grandma on life support.

I feel my mom hug me and she says, "Don't worry. As long as we pray for her to get better, she will get better. But make sure you don't go overboard. We don't want you getting hurt." Then she kisses the top of my head.

'I wonder what she meant by that?' I ask myself, but I just put it off to the side. Then I start praying and praying. All I do is wish for her well being, my mind was set straight. Before you knew it my grandma popped up, with the tubes flying everywhere. 'What just happened!?' I think to myself, confused and kind of scared.

"Wha! Whu! How! HUH!!" I barely got out that much and after I said that I turned to my mom with no clue what happens.

"I told you not to go overboard with the praying!!" I still did not underdstand what she meant. But I wanted to try whatever I did again and again. So I did.

I ran down the hall to the next coma patient. The sign above the door knob said 'Room 513 Angela Albertson. I went in and did the exact same thing and the same thing happened. I did it with like 10 more rooms. Next thing I know I am in another world with so many fairy tail creatures. I thought to myself, ' Where am I??'

POV Dianna (Mom)

"Kayla! Kayla! Where are you!?" I fall over some clipboard. But I got back up and kept on going. I see her collapsed by room 617. Oh no she in trouble.

"Doctor! I need a doctor! Its my daughter!" A really short lady with the last name of Baily helps my daughter. As I see all these other people croud around my daughter I noticed them from the coma list I tripped over in the Hall. Just by looking at it I knew what she did. Shes in a coma because she cured all these other people with comas. Hopefully she makes it out of their without trouble.

Be safe my child.

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