The Phone Call

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It has been three weeks since Sonic has told his story to his friends and lover. Three full weeks since Sonic felt the weight of burdening his past alone lift off his own shoulders. And during those three weeks, he hasn't had a single nightmare about HER.

The blue hedgehog would usually have at least one nightmare every week, sometimes even multiple, but since he past some of that burden to his friends, he's had nothing but peaceful sleep, happily cuddled next to his boyfriend, who was also happy that there was no more nightly stress.

Yes, for once, Sonic felt like he could finally move on from his childhood trauma and look towards a better future for not only himself, but for his friends and his lover. For once, he felt like he didn't have to think about HER anymore.

... Or so he thought.

It was a beautiful summer day, and the Mobian heroes were exploring another one of Sonic's favorite childhood places.

The Echidna Bathing Grounds settled upon Angel Island.

Sonic wanted to come here, not only because it was another childhood favorite, but also because he was trusting Shadow to finally teach him how to swim.

"So, you already know how to float on your back, correct?" Shadow questioned him as he held onto his blue boyfriend in the trenched hole that was still in the pond.

"Y-Yes." Sonic said nervously, staring at the water that currently surrounded him.

"Hey... baby... look at me." Shadow encouraged him, lifting Sonic's head by his chin to meet his gaze. "It's alright. I'm not gonna let you drown... alright?"

Sonic gulped and nodded, putting all of his trust into Shadow's hands.

"Now, let's start by floating on your back, then we'll go from there."

Sonic nodded. "Ok Shadow. I trust you."

For the next hour, Shadow slowly taught Sonic how to swim. His encouragement, and the encouragement of their friends, boosted Sonic's confidence to try his very best. By the end of the hour, he was able to doggy paddle away from his friends and keep himself above water by treading, splashing the water at his friends in play.

Shadow laughed as Sonic splashed a big wave at him. "Oh Sonic, look at you. Swimming all by yourself."

"I still have a lot to learn." Sonic giggled as he treaded the water.

"But still, I am very proud of you."

Sonic giggled and doggy paddled over to his lover, wrapping his arms over his shoulders as he nuzzled into his neck. Shadow chuckled and kissed the blue ear, earning a cute little twitch.

This moment, however, was suddenly interrupted when Vanilla came up to the shore, a cell phone in hand.

"Sonic, dear! Phone call for you." She called sweetly.

Sonic looked at Vanilla and paddled over to her. "Look mama! Shadow taught me to doggy paddle!"

Shadow smiled fondly, a warm feeling filling his chest at the sound of Sonic calling Vanilla 'mama'.

After Sonic had finished his story, Cream had gone straight to her mother, telling her everything that Sonic had told her and the others. Of course, Vanilla was horrified, and went straight to Sonic to confirm the story, with an idea in mind. After Sonic told her that everything was true, Vanilla had decided that it was time that Sonic had a real mother.

Even though Sonic was already 19, Vanilla was still able to get the proper papers to officially adopt Sonic. He was now part of the rabbit family, with a loving mother, a sweet little sister, and an adorable pet Chao.

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