Diagon Alley

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Name- Penelope Kay McLain

Nickname- Kay, Pen/Penny

Birthday- November 19 (Scorpio)

Age- 20 years old

Height- 5 ft 6 in (most of my height comes from my long legs)

Weight- 125 lbs

Eyes- sky blue with dark blue near the iris

Hair- long, strawberry blonde, wavey

House- Hufflepuff

Family- Muggle-born (my parents did not approve of me going to Hogwarts and the Professor who delivered my letter put a False Memory Spell on them so they think I go to some college in another country.)

Personality- Independent but can be a little anxious at times, sassy, smart, a little hard to get to know.

**In my DR, I've pretty much ignored "canon" all together. The years at Hogwarts are not exactly like in the movies. 18 years old is when you get your first Hogwarts letter, instead of 11. However, in Penelope's case, her powers were hidden a little longer, so she didn't get her letter until 20 years old. (She's a late bloomer.) This is why she starts at Hogwarts the same year Fred and George Weasley do, however she is two years older than them.**

~ ~ Story ~ ~

"What in the world am I doing?" I sighed to myself. I looked down at the piece of paper the Professor had given me with the address to Diagon Alley. Unfortunately, all I could see was a plain brick wall. I looked around and even tried to knock on the wall, as if someone would actually answer. I grumbled to myself and crossed my arms, annoyed. Had I been tricked? Maybe I wasn't actually a witch... Maybe this guy was just some cook who had no idea what he was talking about. Maybe he delivered the Hogwarts letter to the wrong house. Even though it said Penelope Kay McLain right on the front, there was no making that up. "Where the hell is Diagon Alley?" I shouted at the clouds above me.

"Looks like you're lost." A voice piped up.

"Could be a stary Muggle." An almost identical voice added quickly after.

"Nah she's not a muggle, she's got a letter in her hands look!" The first voice replied. I turned quickly on my heels and looked behind me. Two red-headed, tall teenage boys stood side by side, eyeing me up and down.

"Excuse you?" I asked, "Are you talking about me behind my back?"

"Quite literally yes." They said in perfect unison, two matching smirks on their faces.

"Okay, creepy. What are you guys, the twins from The Shining?" I questioned.

"The Shining?" The one on the left asked.

"It's a Muggle movie I believe." The right one replied.

"Ah, so she is a Muggle." The left stated, tapping his chin curiously.

"Who are you guys?! And what the fuck is a Muggle?!" I shouted in anger and groaned, "You guys are giving me a headache." I rubbed my temples rolling my eyes.

"That's Fred," The right one spoke first.

"That's George." Fred said, pointing to his brother. "Nice to make your acquaintance, Penelope McLain."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise, "How did you know my name?"

"Dumbledore told us." George explained as they both stepped closer to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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