Chapter Five

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Aelana lay flat on her stomach on the cave floor, her cheek pressed into the gravel. Warmth radiated around her; a faint thumping sounded deep underground. She felt comfortable, safe, like her mother's arms were wrapped around her. She pushed the gritty sensation of pollution aside and imagined a clean world. Thoughts of Leld crossed her mind.


Leld and Aelana walked along the rocky shore of the river. The castle towered above them on the cliff. It was a rare occasion for Aelana to be out of the castle walls. At eight cycles, she was old enough to start her Protector training, and that meant her mornings were spent in a classroom, while her afternoons were spent learning various fighting techniques. After dinner, exhaustion weighed heavily on her, and she could barely keep her eyes open, but the armor and weapons she'd used earlier in the day had to be cleaned. Aelana didn't get a day off. Down time was allowed, and she spent most of that sleeping.

Aelana was granted a small exception. Every third day, she had lessons with Leld. They were supposed to be relaxing, but they were just as exhausting as her other lessons. Not physically, but mentally and emotionally. Her feet dragged across the pebbles. The pair found a drift log and took a seat. Aelana's shoulders slumped. She couldn't lift her gaze from the ground. The energy that movement required didn't exist in her body.

"How's your training going?" Leld asked.

"It's tiring." Her voice was soft.

"Have you made any new friends?"

She placed her hands flat on her thighs, shaking her head slightly. "Not really."

"Why not?"

She shrugged. "They don't really like me."

"How do you know?"

"They gang up on me at weapons practice. They tell me that since I got a break, I have to work twice as hard."

He reached out and rubbed her back. "Things will change once you show them what you can do."

Her tongue clicked on the roof of her mouth. "But I can't do anything." Tears threatened to fall, her lip quivered, her chin dimpled, but she kept her emotions in check.

Leld wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. "Patience, my dear. Besides, think how much better you'll be than the others because you worked twice as hard."

Aelana chuckled and sniffed.

Leld used his free hand and waved it over the wood next to him. A white daisy sprang up, and he handed it to her.

"We are all connected, to each other and the earth. The earth provides for us, and we give back to it. If we know how to ask, the earth will do our bidding. Unlike humans, the earth doesn't judge, it doesn't play favorites. But it does remember."

Aelana twirled the flower in her fingers, staring at the pristine petals.

"Can you show me how to do that?"

"First, you must figure out how to listen to the earth, find her heartbeat. Once you connect with her soul, she will do whatever you ask."

"How do I do that?"

"You must find a moment that's very still. One where you can focus all your attention on the earth. You must get as close to her as possible, feel her around you, breathe her in. You must become a part of her. Once you do that, just listen. She's willing to talk to you."

Aelana stared at him. "Do I have to lie on the ground?"

He chuckled. "Not always. But for the first time, I would, just so you know what you're listening for. Once you figure that out, you'll be able to hear it whenever, wherever."

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