Chapter Twenty-Three

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Aelana was still in shock that her plan had worked. Dek's intentions hadn't been clear until he forced the amulet from her chest. Then, she realized he wanted to be a hybrid and thought her amulet would let him accomplish that. She didn't know where he got the idea the amulet was responsible for her transformation. It was man-made, not dragon-made or universe-made. The only thing the amulet really did was keep her in touch with her human side. It was a reminder of everything she'd lost and gained to transform into what she'd become. It did transfer all of Leld's knowledge to her, too, but after traveling the universe, it really wasn't that helpful.

She thought for sure with all of Dek's power and intelligence, he'd be able to see through her spell. It was one of the more intricate spells she'd ever cast, and the act did douse a lot of her strength, but if Dek paid attention, he might have seen through her ruse. It just showed he was so blinded by ambition and power that he was easily fooled. It made her happy her plan worked.

It also made her ecstatic to see that the dragons had her back. Most of the time, they didn't interfere with the squabbles and concerns of sentient beings. Dek must have been a big enough threat to merit their presence. It made her think maybe Dek could have killed her if he had tried hard enough. She shuddered at the thought.

She glanced over at the congregation still huddled on the dais. Most of them came back into the room from Bayn's apartment, tending to those who were wounded from the marble slab. Bayn checked on those closest to him before walking up and kneeling in front of her. He placed his hands on her arms.

"You all right? Where are you hurt?"

"I'm fine. He didn't injure me."

"I assume then your inability to get up is exhaustion?"

She shrugged her right shoulder. "Partly." She stared into his face. "I'm sorry about your son."

Bayn sighed. "So am I. I thought he was taught better than that."

Aelana placed a hand over his. "It wasn't the teacher; it was the student corrupting the lessons."

Bayn smiled a sad smile. "I know. I also know not everyone can be saved. He showed such promise." He shook his head. "No matter. Can't change it now."

Kalen limped up behind Bayn and placed a hand on his shoulder. Aelana glanced up and smiled at him.

"I should tend to the others," Bayn said as he stood and walked away.

Kalen fell to his knees in front of her. He held out his hand, her amulet dangling from his fingers.

"Thought you might want this back." His voice sounded strained.

Aelana noticed his right arm was wrapped around his waist, but she didn't think it was anything major. More than likely, he would be sore and have a few bumps and bruises from being thrown around.

Taking her amulet from him, she placed it over her neck. In a wisp of smoke, the amulet melded back into her flesh. It didn't hurt nearly as badly as it had the first time, although she did wince slightly.

"Found this one on the floor by the window." He held up another amulet.

"That's Dek's." Aelana turned the eye with her fingers.

Kalen tried to hand it to her. "It would be a nice souvenir." He winced.

"You keep it."

Kalen smiled, then his eyes rolled back in his head and he toppled over backward. Aelana's heart leapt into her throat. She leaned over him, her hands on his cheeks.

"Kalen!" Worry laced her voice.

Her eyes roamed over his body, searching for injury. On his left side, under his hand, blood soaked through his shirt. Bayn ran back to her side. She lifted Kalen's hand. A shard of glass was lodged deep in his flesh. Blood spurted out as they removed the pressure. Aelana realized Dek wasn't reaching for help as the dragon took him out; he was ensuring his victory. He performed his last act to hurt Aelana.

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