Chapter 11

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Poppy laid in bed as she was having this dream about Trollstopia. It was terrible. The tribes were fighting, multiple Trolls laid on ground either severally injured or dead. Poppy jolted awake as her hands shook in fear

Just then her mother came into the room. Tulip saw the scared expression on Poppy and sat beside her

"You have a bad dream?" Tulip asked

"Yeah, it was awful mom. The Trolls they were fighting, killing each other. I-I don't know why." Poppy said

Tulip noticed the fear as she heard Poppy's voice shake

"Hey listen maybe-"

Tulip was interrupted by Taylor coming into the room

"Poppy! Your friends are here!" Taylor said

Poppy looked at him confused. Just then the group walked into the room. Branch saw Poppy and felt an immediate feeling of relief

Branch immediately hugged her and was about to give her a kiss. Poppy pushed Branch away. Branch stood there confused

"What are you doing? Why are you trying to kiss me?" Poppy asked him

"What? Poppy! We love each other! Don't you remember?" Branch asked

"I've always been with Taylor. I have no idea who you people are." Poppy said

"WHAT?!!" The Trolls asked

"P-Poppy you don't mean that right? We've been friends for years!" DJ said

Branch took a step back. How could she not know they were? These Trolls... they did something to her. He knew they did. Branch watched his friends talk to Poppy

Branch was super upset. He felt like crying. Branch looked at Taylor and wanted to hurt him so bad. Taylor saw Branch looked at him and pulled Branch outside

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!!" Branch asked

"Listen partner. I hypnotized Poppy ok? Listen that's not what you should worry about right now! Shadow, he wants to destroy the harmony that happens in Trollstopia. He wants all the tribes against each other!" Taylor said

Branch looked at him in shock

"W-why should I trust you?" Branch asked

"Look I do love Poppy, but I'll help ya in anyway I can. You have to break the trance I put on Poppy." Taylor said

"How do I do that?" Branch asked

Taylor went to Branch's ear

"You gotta kiss her." Taylor whispered

"You saw her. She doesn't even even know who I am anymore." Branch said

"I got an idea. We'll need your friends for this." Taylor said

Branch watched Taylor walk away. Completely unaware that Shadow was watching from shadows

Shadow got betrayed, hurt, and extremely angry by Taylor's actions. He just had to push the plan forward. A week at most

"You'll wish you haven't done that Taylor." Shadow said from the tree, with a sinister smile

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