Chapter 16

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Shadow approached Trollstopia and saw the Trolls attacking each other. It made him feel this joy inside that he hadn't felt in a while. Poppy could only watch in complete horror

Shadow felt a blast hit him from behind. Shadow and Poppy turned around to see the group of Trolls. Cybil saw Sparky and immediately stood up

"This is wrong Shadow! Ya gotta stop this!! This is all wrong!!" Taylor said

Poppy saw Tulip and Branch by Taylor's side with the others behind them. She felt a smile come on her face as she saw her friends. Branch and Tulip went to Poppy's side

"I'll get you out of these Poppy." Branch said

"Poppy listen to me. I know I've told you this before, but you have this gift and your Trollstopias last and only hope." Tulip said

Poppy sighed and looked at her mother

"I- I don't know how to use it. Let alone what it is." Poppy told her

Shadow then attacked Poppy's mother and tried to choke Poppy. Branch stood in front of Poppy to protect her, and tried his best to fight Shadow off. Shadow knocked Branch down and looked Poppy

"Say goodbye to everyone you love Poppy." Shadow said

Shadow aimed his finger at Branch as his finger glew red. Poppy felt something within her. A blast came out and shot everyone a few inches away from Poppy

Branch looked at Poppy and saw her glowing. He even felt his cheeks glowing red

"This is all wrong Shadow! I'm not going to let you do this!!" Poppy said

Shadow smirked and mocked Poppy. Poppy then realized why she was always too forgiving with everyone. Her power came from her heart. Poppy smiled and looked at Shadow

"Shadow we don't have to fight. We can move passed this! There's no need for such violence." Poppy said

Shadow threw Poppy to the ground. Branch was about to go help Poppy, but Tulip had stopped Branch from going any closer


Meanwhile Sparky and Violet were fighting as Cybil watched them. They flew into Biggies pod as her was putting Mr. Dinkles to sleep

"WHAT IN THE WORLD?!" Biggie asked

Mr. Dinkles floated above his bed with nunchucks


The pod shook as they fell out of the pod. Cybil was just sitting there in the corner


Poppy and Shadow were still fighting and tried her best to convince Shadow to stop

"Why do you want to do this? What's the purpose? We shouldn't fight each other!" Poppy said

Shadow hesitated and growled as the two continued to fight. Poppy rolled away and touch Shadows arm. Shadow was then reminded of his fondest memories when he was just a boy.

Poppy saw a locket on Shadow glowing black. Poppy took it off and threw it on the ground. She shot the locket as it was destroyed causing a blast knocking them both back

Poppy stood up shaking and went to Shadow. Shadow shook his head and looked around in fear and confusion

"You ok?" Poppy asked him

"I- I don't know. The last thing I remembered was getting corrupted by that locket I wore. I-I'm sorry about everything Poppy." Shadow said

"It's ok." Poppy said

The Trolls stopped attacking each other and looked at Poppy

"Guu's we shouldn't fight. We're all Trolls! We should all be friends and live in perfect harmony with each other! That's what Trollstopia is. It's to bring us all much closer to each other. We shouldn't fight." Poppy said

The Trolls dropped their weapons as they all hugged each other. Poppy felt dizzy and fell to the ground. Branch and Peppy immediately ran to her side with Tulip

Tulip hugged Poppy close and smiled

"You did it Poppy. I'm so proud of you. You can rest now." Tulip said

"Sweet dreams Poppy." Branch said with a smile

Poppy fell asleep. All the Trolls stopped hugging and went on with their regular routines. Violet was extremely close to Cybil again till Sparky came out of nowhere with a chair


Sparky whacked Violet with chair

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MANS!!!" Sparky yelled

Cybil laughed and watched Violet fly off

"Violet go wheeeee!"


Poppy had slept all day and it worried Branch. He was by her side the entire time in her pod. The only time he would leave was to go to the restroom. Other than that he hadn't moved an inch

"You'll be ok Poppy. It was rough these past few days,  if now we're back with each other, and we'll never leave each other's side." Branch said with a smile

Branch laid his head beside Poppy as he fell asleep beside her

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