Chapter 14- Silas

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I didn't even bother wiping the tears from my face as I got up from my bed to answer my door. I knew who was on the other side and I knew what he was going to tell me. Why wipe the tears when more were sure to follow. I held my breath when I opened the door and saw him there. He looked right at me for the first time in weeks. Those green eyes looking at me just made me burst out crying again. He didn't even get to say a word and I broke down.

"Don't" I trembled out when I saw him open his mouth. He closed it and just looked at me. "I heard you down stairs. I know." I choked back the sob wanting to escape.

"I know you don't love me anymore." The tears fell harder. "Just who, who do you love now?" I asked. I didn't really want to know but I had to. I saw him flinch. His mouth opened and closed a couple of times but he didn't say anything. My hand rested over my heart as my breathing started to quicken. I needed him gone before I passed out.

"Alright. That's fine. you won't have to deal with me after graduation. I'm sorry." The room started to spin. I had to be quick. " you have to deal with me until then." Then I shut my door and passed out.

When I woke up it was dark out. I looked at my clock to see it was six in the morning. I was passed out on my floor all night long. My head hurt from crying so much and my chest hurt from breathing heavily for so long. I quickly ran around my room and got ready for school. As soon as I was dressed and had everything I needed I ran down the stairs, I saw Declan sitting in the kitchen and it looked like he was about to say something to me but I ran right out the front door.

As I was walking to school a car came up beside me and slowed down. I looked and realized it was Declan. He rolled the passenger side window down and leaned over.

"Get in." He practically demanded.

"No. I'm walking." I told him as I continued on my way, trying to watch where I was going. He pulled over to the side and got out of the car. Running up in front of me. I stopped and once I saw his eyes I looked away. I tried to walk around him but he continued to block my way.

"Just leave me alone alright. This is what you wanted wasn't it." I practically screamed at him.

"I needed you to listen to me once before and you didn't, now you need to listen to me this time." He said, making me stop. Throwing that in my face hurt.

"What. You haven't broke me enough in the last couple weeks you decide you want to do more?" I screamed, making him back up a little. "I wish you never started talking to me. I wish I never fell in love with you again. I wish I could go back to the start of the year when the only problems I had were my parents ignoring me." I cried. The tears falling so fast I couldn't see. I felt arms begin to wrap around me and I shoved him hard and he landed on his ass on the ground.

"Stop. Stop playing mind games with me. It's bad enough I'm living with you and trying so hard to be invisible in your house, your house, not mine, I will never have my house again. I felt safe and protected when I first got there. I was in love, I was so happy. then it all fell to shit. Go to your boyfriend and leave me alone." He looked up at me from the ground and didn't say a single word. I moved around him and quickly walked the rest of the way to school.

I ran through the halls and found Taylor telling her everything. I couldn't figure out who he was dating since today was the first day he would be in school since the hospital. I tried not to pay attention while I was moving class to class knowing I had a couple with Declan. I got to class first and sat in the far back with my head down and was the last to leave. At lunch we ate outside as usual and then it happened. Right when I was about to leave to go home I saw them together. Smiling and laughing like they always did. I didn't think anything of it at first that was normal, until Declan leaned over and kissed him, bringing the other boy's body closer to his and drawing him in like he did to me in the library.

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