6: The Child Not Beared

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Debbi was washing herself in the lake when I saw a creeper sneak up behind her soundlessly. But it wasn't any creeper, it was my dad.

He left my mom and I when I was fourteen. We didn't know where he went.

If I thought shooting Samantha was bad, this was like shooting Jesus.

"Debbi!" I screamed.

She turned around with a smile on her face, but her smile disappeared when she saw him.

She screamed and went deeper into the water. It chased after her and growled. Blood spewed out of its mouth while she screamed.

I slowly raised my crossbow. My shaky hands tried to focus on his bloody eye. He knew I was there and he turned around. I knew those green eyes. They were mine. I couldn't do it. I know he had abandoned my mom and I but he was still my dad.

He started jogging towards me. I dropped my bow and ran towards him, thinking he wasn't still a zombie. He came back for me. The virus couldn't keep him from recognizing his daughter.

We were feet away. "Dad." I whispered.

He opened his mouth and lunged at me.

He was still a zombie. I was so stupid, and now defenseless. I was going to die. This was the end. As a child, I always thought I would live forever. Death never crossed my mind.

I put my hands up in defense. I didn't want it to eat my face.

Then, a gunshot sounded and the zombie slumped to the ground.

I bent down to take one last look at his face, his mutilated face.

But his eye wasn't blown up like they usually are. Instead, blood poured from his chest.

I turned around and saw Ryan holding a small pistol in his hand. Sweat glistening on his forehead.

Jim came into the picture, pushed Ryan to the ground, and took the gun.

He rolled down the hill and stopped ten feet away from my father and I. He groaned.

I turned back to my dad. He looked the same other than a large chunk of flesh missing from his cheek.

"Don't leave me again." Tears came into my eyes.

I knew he was already dead, I just had to let him know.

Debbi rushed to my side. She saw his face and gasped.

"Rule number one of dummy hunting, always the heart." Ryan groaned.

I turned around and still saw him lying on the ground.

"I think I deserve a thank you." He said before Jim dragged him back up the hill.

I scrambled to my feet and ran up the hill after him.

Jim was taking him into the main house, into the Crate.

I ran up the stairs two steps at a time.

Jim had retied his hands behind the chair.

"How did you get out?" I demanded.

Jim stood next to me.

"When I first joined the army, we were sailing to Russia to help them fight. Well on our way, a Japanese ship took all of us hostage. But they couldn't blindfold all of us so we were lead through the winding tunnels of their ship. They tied us up and left us there to rot, in the bowels of their ship. Well in training we learned what to do if we were ever held hostage. They taught us how to tie and untie all kinds of knots. We untied ourselves and got out in less than an hour and took over their ship. Double square knots are the easiest to untie."

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