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You are powered by six infinity stones kinda, daughter of Odin and Frigga. Born in Asgard in between Hela and Thor, and upon your birth given to Heimdall to raise in secret. No other Asgardians other than the three know of your existence, and you live in a cabin in the woods far from everyone else, never found. Heimdall obv has his job so you take care of yourself during the days, with occasional visits from Frigga a couple times a year (whenever she can) and even less frequent ones from Odin (once a year if that, usually less)

Spend most of your childhood learning magic and from witches, becoming like Frigga/Loki but more powerful, and then once you turn ten in Asgardian years (way more in Earth time) you begin training with the Valkyrie. Only a few know of you, the most trusted and powerful. It alternates between Hela, with whom you are close until her banishment, and the few Valkyrie training you.

When you are 15/937 (in 1151 A.D., after the Viking Age ended in 1060) Odin sends you to Earth for your safety, keeping you out of Hela's way. You know nothing of her banishment or the destruction of the Valkyrie--you don't learn until you return, once before the Aether and once between it and Odin's sentence on Earth via Loki.

Anyways, you are 15 (probably more like 24-35) 27/1700 in WW1, (figure out the math bc thor's 22 or something, you're older tho, and 1 year=62.5, you're born in 214 AD) (maybe meet Diana & Steve Trevor? Go to the island and chill there while learning other techniques and teaching them yours?) and by WW2 (CA:TFA is 1942) you are the same age and you end up meeting the commandos. You and Peggy become friends and you join the commandos, going on missions with them until VE day. From there, you room with Peggy as you work as a secretary, until she moves into the Griffith.

She convinces you to work at the SSR and you move to LA and start working there, meeting Jack when he visits. You find out he's your soulmate (soulmark AU) and fall in love. You save him in the hotel but later on on a dif mission he dies (or breaks up idk) and you fall into seclusion, coming into contact with the Winter Soldier and surviving. You become a shadowy mercenary, never seeing your friends again until you meet Peggy again, who convines you to join shield. You befriend Coulson, then Fury, are there with Carol, and help with Nat, though you never meet her nor Clint--but always watch from the shadows. you do befriend/join the shield team until you leave to visit asgard, pre-Aether, and stay there until post-Aether, leaving almost right after Frigga dies. You become a shadow again, teaming up with whoever pays, an eventually are recaptured. you can fight them off but are curious, and they know how powerful you are so you decide to "take" the job and purposefully fail so they stop trying.

That's how you meet the avengers, in stark towers, waiting on them to come back from their mission @ the beggining of the story...

Pretty much all ofyour life is a flashback scene in the middle of the story until it gets to your visit in 201?

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