Chapter for later (pre-finding kid) - 5 Dec 2020

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Germany, American Army base, 1942 A.D.

You crouch low in the bushes, waiting on the signal to storm the base. You, Peggy, Steve, and the other Howling Commandos were tasked with storming the base.


Los Angeles, California, USA, 1947 A. D.

You sit in the uncomfortable hotel armchair, reminiscing in order to keep from dozing off. You remain at your vigil by Chief Thompson's bedside, waiting to be relieved.

Eventually, Peggy and Daniel walk in. You had transferred to the L.A. Branch when Daniel opened it and were always happy when Peggy visited--except now, you had just found out that the man you thought you hated, was your soulmate.

You don't tell anyone this, though; you would wait until he woke, tell him, and then probably end up arguing with him. The man hates your guts—since meeting, you and Jack have done nothing but bicker.

Now, as you're mulling it over, you realize that maybe you don't hate him. Maybe there was an undercurrent of playfulness in your fighting—maybe it was heavily disguised banter. Maybe you actually did feel something, and had just denied it for a while.

If Peggy and Daniel know you care, they don't let on. Let's be honest, they probably don't know—the two may be the best agents of the intelligence organization, but when it comes to love, they can't tell a penny from a potato. Plus, they're so focused on their own budding romance, the feelings they've suppressed, you wouldn't be surprised if they don't notice anything right now.


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