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She watched in horror as the castle was lit aflame, dark smoke flooding in through every crack in the ancient place.
She held the child close to her chest, her breathing beginning to sound ragged, inhaling the smoke as she tucked her wings close to her body. She frantically looked around the room, seeing the open window. 'I need to get out, they mustn't see me- for the sake of my child, my legacy-'
The door to her room was carelessly thrown open as the child in her arms whined, trying his best to breath through the smoke.

Her eyes widened in panic, smoke stinging at her eyes as the figures approached. 'They're here.'

She looked back at the window, and held the child as close to her as possible, feeling her heart burst with fear as one of the men shot out of the smoke, grasping at her as his wings flailed helplessly behind him. She ran full sprint to the only way out, folding her slightly charred wings against herself as a cocoon as she reached the edge. The men were too late to reach her as she threw herself out the window, hearing fluttering wings behind her. She sprung her wings free, pale yellow feathers fluttering beneath her as she caught herself, steadying as she glided through the town she grew up in, now burned to the ground.

She felt the tears streaming down her pale face as she entered the forest, beating her wings faster as the child in her arms wailed. 'Just a little longer, my dear- please hold on for mother.'

She ducked and weaved, avoiding branches all while trying to make sure she wasn't being followed. Her wings ached, beating them as fast as she could through the forest as she went deeper and deeper into it. She glanced behind her, seeing nothing but acres of trees going on for miles and miles. She let out a sigh of relief, breathing in the fresh air as she slowed herself, steadying her breathing as she came to a stop in the middle of the forest. 'She must be around here somewhere, have I overshot the cabin?'

She strained her eyes, looking far into the distance, her silver eyes scanning the forest. 'Ancestors, lend me your sight for the sake of my child..."

A heavy breeze engulfed her, making her shiver as she wrapped her wings around her body, encasing her with warmth as she peeled her eyes open once more. She gazed out into the distance again, although this time when she strained her eyes, she could see everything for miles.
'The gift the owls have...'

Then there it was, she spotted it! The cabin was no more than three miles away. She sighed, stretching her wings out as she prepared to take flight once more. She lifted herself to the air, softly gliding through the woods as she picked her pace up, soaring towards the cabin.

As she neared, the child she held so dearly against herself squirmed, opening his soft steel eyes to meet her gentle silver ones, reaching his small hands out to play with her necklace. She avrted her eyes to look ahead, coming to a stop as she reached the cabin, walking towards the door. Her wings, exhausted from the harsh flying before now dragged behind her, the brown and yellow feathers now dirty with mud and covered with ash. She rapped on the door once, twice, and a third time, waiting patiently as she glanced about with weary eyes. She jumped, hearing the door unlock as it was swung open, revealing an older woman that eyed the lady up and down.
Her eyes softened, stepping to the side.

"Come in, love."

She quickly jumped into the house, weakly folding her wings behind her.

"Thank you- thank you so much, but I mustn't stay, love- It is too dangerous."

Her gold eyes scanned her features.

"But what about the CHILD, Kataji?"

She gave her a soft smile, tears welling in her eyes as she handed the woman the child.

"I trust you, Sabi. Now please, take him or else I am endangering all of us. Please, I know you will raise my son right. Do not let him know who he IS, or else they will find him. Please."

Sabi took the child in her arms, glancing down at the soft curls that fell upon his head and the beautiful Steel gray eyes that looked up at her with a secret to tell.

She looked up, only to find Kataji already rushing out the door.

"Has he yet to have a name, Taji?"

She took one last glance at the old woman, uttering her final words before slamming the door.

"My prince's name, Is Keiji."



Idek when the next chapter will be posted I just HAD to write something im so excited- please stay tuned for the updates~!

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