Understanding is the basis of happiness!

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*** Chapter 4 ***
.. Everyone stops speaking for seeing Martin in this case and Sandy or Charly also didn't know what they will say to earse these doubts from Martin's mind so especially Sandy was very afraid from Martin's reaction.....
Martin:Your sudden silence Confirms my authenticity..
Charly:Martin...Come with me to my bedroom..
Martin:Why?..What is the problem to say here?
Sandy:Charly..is there anything you don't want me to know?
Charly:No sandy..I just want my son for minutes to explain silly doubts..
Martin:Ok.. let's go
Charly: ya.. let's go
Sandy wasn't comfortable with their dialogue together..so she prayed to spend this night safely..
Charly:So what do you want to know son.
Martin:Dad you know that I don't like to repeat my words..so please answer my questions now..
Charly:Do you know son..
When I was in your age I was a very hasty man..I didn't want anyone to control me I just wanted to be free..to do all what I want and that was made my family so upset especially my mother as she was the most clothest person to me...she wanted me to change..to be more good..more gentle and more kind..
But I didn't appreciate that as I was young and less experienced..but I realized that finally,but after losing the most supporter person in my life.ya after losing my mom.
She died to leave me in this terrible world.She died to leave me subsidiary alone in this life.she left me and my dad to face our fears together.me and my dad weren't so experience in Life affairs.i mean about cooking,kitchen and money management all of these we weren't have enough knowledge about it but with the passage of time we learnt all of that.it took me while to realize the wisdom of my mother's death,but after marriage and especially after your born I realized the wisdom.to be responsible in your life and to be obligated by your wife and son when I saw me in the difficult situations and hard problems when I saw my well behaved in these things I realized that I wouldn't never learn all of these morals..
Martin:Dad I'm greatly appreciate all the hard things you had passed before and I also know that you are the best man Either in terms of morality or principles, and I always wanted to be like you, but of course I will not be able to, because you are the greatest person who has seen my eyes but..What is the relationship between everything you said and the question that I have asked to you and my mom?..
Charly:Look son...
When I was young I was just cared about my own affairs such as having fun with my friends every day until the second day , traveling and spending most of the time chatting with my friends on my phone. I didn't care about spending time with my family and talk to them,Until the matter was issued and my mother died and I still regret until this moment for every moment I lost away from her.So what you are seeing in the current days and all I have done in the last days was about a Small compensation about every second I was busy in it and away from you.Nobody knows when and where he will die my son, so I only try to invest my time not only in money but also in the warmth of the house and its fullness of happiness with my beloved small family.Did you got it?
Martin stood with astonishing silence from the refinement of his father’s thinking, the extent of his love for him and his mother, and the extent of his gross mistake in thinking about his secret, then he embraced his father heavily and kept crying on his lap until he slept...!
Charly put Martin in his bed and kissed his head and let him rest from thinking a little and went to deep sleep, and he also started crying because he had to lie to his son again and hide his illness from him so that his only son does not collapse. He knows very well that Martin does not like anyone in this life like his father....
Ñancy ßamir⟩⟩

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