Chapter 3

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General Warnings: Swearing. Crack.

(Trigger warnings will appear inside the chapter and times where it starts and ends.)

Disclaimer: All of this is fictional and should not be taken seriously!

Also... Thank you all for the kind comments. They motivate me and make me feel less insecure about my grammar!

I'm gonna be honest; I want to finish this book than anything... But Instead of having fun, I stress trying to come up with a plot... I'm enjoying seeing you guys love this book but in all... I can't keep posting over 2k worded chapters. So if they're a bit short... Please... I beg you to bear with me...


Dream groggily opened his eyes, moaning a little in pain near his backside. He finds Drista already awake, setting up his clothes. "Wear these for now. You are not going to school today, you hear me?"

"Like hell, I'm wearing a cropped hoodie."

"Fine, wear a normal hoodie, and let's see how much it hurts when it hits your backside."

"I'm joking."

Drista looks at her brother's current state before sighing. "I'm gonna go to school. Try not to move so much, okay?"

"And here you are telling me to change clothes..."




"No comment."


Drista smiles, ruffling her brother's blond hair. "I'll be going now..." She whispers, withdrawing her hand. "Don't... do anything drastic, alright?"


"Thank you."


Drista relaxed inside Puffy's car, who gladly agreed to take her to school. However, as she sat there, Drista absentmindedly looks out the window, a sad glint in her eyes as she watched the buildings move. Puffy took note of the unsettling behavior the younger was giving. "Hey, Drista. You alright?"

Drista flinches, coming to her senses. "Y-Yes?" She stuttered.

"Is something wrong?"

The younger sighs, furrowing her eyebrows. "It's my brother..."

"What about him? Is he sick or something?"

Drista shook her head. "No, he's not. I told him to stay home... Not because he had a cold or any of those... He's hurt, Puffy..."

Puffy gripped the steering wheel, narrowing her eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

"It's my father..." The youngest states, looking out once again. "He..-" She stuttered, letting out a choked sob. "L-Last night... H-he..."

"It's alright, you can tell me..."

With tears beginning to form, Drista clenches her fist, looking directly at the other blonde. "I can still hear his screams, Puffy! I-I can still hear the agony that it left! I-I could still hear him screaming, and I was just there, watching his suffering! I couldn't even do a damn thing! I-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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