"happy ending?"

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            Once gabriel left, widow took nathalie to the cave, when they got there, adrian and marrinette came out and jumped on nathalie, she hugged them, but then heard something, she, marrinette, adrian and widow looked up, widow sensed that someone was here, she growled, warning who ever was there to leave, but the source of sound and movement didn't stop or go away, instead it got louder, but then silence appeared, marrinette walked forward, but then there was a gun shot, marrinette had gotten shot, adrian looked at her mortified, and screamed "NO!!!" He used his wolfaclysym, and wolfaclysymed the ground, unfortunately that made widow get shot, she fell to the ground, defenseless, adrian looked at her and snarled, but was shot. Nathalie screamed in horror, but was shot herself, when she hit the ground the strangest thing happened, there was white every where, she then saw a woman, she didn't look to old, and she looked like she was crying, nathalie didn't hesitate to ask if she was okay:
Nath: are you okay?
???: huh, oh uh yeah, I guess
Nath: um, who are you?
???: I see widow has kept her promise
Nath: how do you know widow?!
???: why I am the one who took you to her, my name is Selen Wang
Nath: what??!!
Selen: yes, now are you ready to learn the past?
Nath: uh, yeah I think so
Selen: you don't think you know
Nath: fine, I'm ready
Selen: good, let's begin, it all started when our mother had you, you see, we have been protecting magic, and miraculous for years, but when someone found out about us, they tried to obtain our magic, but see, the only way to get our magic, is to kill us. So when they found out, they hunted us down. Our mother was murdered a few hours after you were born, so me and our siblings decided that we would give you up. We were talking, and were about to give you away when someone shot voltrean, after that they shot Chang, and fu. I was running to widow, with you in my hands when I was shot in the leg, I dropped you and the....the peacock miraculous.....
Nath: your the reason the peacock miraculous is broken
Selen: yes....when I dropped you and the miraculous, it...it shattered, that's why, when you use the miraculous, you get sick afterwards....
Nath: I'm sorry, I-
Selen: no don't be sorry, you didn't know, besides I'm the one who broke the miraculous, not you, so I have to pay the price
Nath: I see....
The ground began to shake, nathalie fell, she could hear Selen shout to her, "remember nathalie, you've done your part there is nothing more you can do, it all ends, on what happens, but know that I love you to the end!" Nathalie whispered, "I love you too", and dissapeared. When nathalie woke up she was chained to a chair, she tried to speak but there was tape on her mouth, she could see that she was in a room, she could sense a bad presence, she became frightened. Suddenly the door opened, and a woman came in, nathalie knew immediately, the second the woman walked in, who she was, the woman walked closer to nathalie she was holding a leash, on the end was a wolf, it was adrian, he was bloody and looked weak. Emile walked closer to nathalie, she had adrian on a leash and was about to get her wish, she walked closer to the small child, she laughed and kicked nathalie in the stomach, she could see the child cry in pain, she smirked at the sight, "well, well, well, what do we have here, oh wait a child, you know you have been a really bad child, so I'm going to put an end to you, but first I want you to tell me who is this?!" Emile pointed a finger towards adrian, nathalie looked mad, Emile ripped off the tape and repeated the question, nathalie looked away, Emile slapped nathalie again and held up a gun to her face, adrian growled, but Emile kicked in, nathalie whispered "his name is adrian", Emile looked at nathalie, "what is its name?", nathalie repeated louder, "I said his name was adrian!" Emile slapped nathalie again, and said loudly, "stop lying!!! he cant be adrian, Adrian's dead!", nathalie shook her head, "no he didn't die, but you can ask him how he's alive", Emile looked at adrian, adrian looked away and said sternly, "yes it is me, adrian, now untie nathalie!!!" Emile laughed and said "I'm not letting her go, I need her magic, and besides I'm doing this for you, so be grateful and shut the heck up!!!", adrian growled and said sternly, "in order to get me back, you have to kill nathalie and find someone to take my place, and you know no one, so-" he was cut off by Emile laughing and saying, "oh but honey, I know someone who will take your place", nathalie looked terrified, and adrian looked furious, Emile walked out of the room, and adrian spat out, "are you okay, nathalie?!!", Nathalie nodded and adrian said sadly, "I'm so sorry you have to go through this, this is all my fa-" he was cut off by nathalie saying, "no this isn't your fault, in fact its kind of mine", adrian was about to say something when Emile came in, she had a blonde boy in her hands, it was felix, adrian almost attacked Emile when she threw the weak, defenseless felix on the floor, Emile laughed, "he will take your place adrian...", Emile walked out of the room, felix asked, "are y'all alright?!", nathalie and adrian nodded, suddenly the door busted open, and in came gabriel.......
            ♤AUTHORS NOTE♤
Hi guys sorry this chapter is late, I had to rewrite it, and it was a mess I think I'll upload another chapter today if I have time, but I don't know, know that I love you guys, byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

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