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My family and I were invited to a barbeque. I stepped down onto my back lawn and had to brush my hair out of my face as the wind blew by. I heard a joyous voice shout out 'burgers are ready!'. My neighbour was in front of me, wearing an apron and holding a spatula proudly. I walked up to him, helping him deliver the burgers to the table, ready to be placed into their buns.

"Thanks, munchkin!" He said, ruffling my hair with his strong hand. I smiled in response but my heart ached. He treated me like a child. I wanted him to treat me like an adult...

Throughout the day, I watched as he sat by his wife. The group of middle-aged adults all laughed while they drank their beer and wine. I didn't drink; I wanted to be sober so I could remember every detail of his presence. His wife laughed a lot. I wonder what my neighbour sees in her. She's so decrepit and old. Surely he would be more interested in someone younger like me? Someone who would do anything just to feel his touch. He drives me crazy.

Later in the evening, my neighbour was helping wash up the dishes, and I took up the opportunity to help him.

"I can't believe we all don't do this more often," he smiled genuinely as he washed a plate. I watched as his wet hands spread across the plate.

I wish his hands were spread across my body instead of that plate.

I stay silent for a while, before turning to him. As his name escapes my lips, I tremble. I'll never forget the look on his face as I said: "I love you." Soon after I said it, other people came into the kitchen and I retreated to my room upstairs.

Seeing my neighbour made me want to cry. I wanted him so badly. His gruff but friendly voice cut away at my heartstrings. He was so nice to everyone. I wanted him all to myself.

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I soon heard a knock at my door.

"Come in," I cried out, trying to hide the fact I felt like crying. I immediately sat up straight when I saw that it was my neighbour.

"Hey kiddo," my neighbour sat down on the bed next to me. I brought my legs up to my chin and prepared for the worst. "I think we need to talk."

"No, we don't," I croaked. "Leave me alone." My neighbour sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder that sent pulses of electricity through my body. He didn't seem to notice and kept his hand there.

"We all go through weird phases growing up."

"This isn't a phase. I'm in love with you!" I almost scream.

He avoids eye contact, looking down and almost smiling, "you know nothing about me."

"Then let me get to know you!" I begged him. He shook his head and began to get up.

I started to panic, "Please don't go," he looked at me with wide eyes. I grabbed the collar of his shirt. He was frozen still with wide eyes. I said his name. "I want you so badly that it hurts!" I let go of his collar and began crying. I felt like screaming. My neighbour stroked my hair gently.

"Growing up is hard. You'll get over this, I promise," and with that, he got up and left.

That night I dreamt of his touch. He lay me down on my bed, placing kisses everywhere on my body. I imagined him using his spatula for things other than cooking burgers.

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My neighbour stopped turning up to the barbeques, and without him being there to liven the party, the barbeques ceased to happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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