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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. It was only my third day at SunnyBrook High, and I already dreaded the sound. In normal years, the first three days would be mediocre, good, even. But this year, everything was different. I started public school. I mean, it's not my fault Emma Herrington caught the desk on fire, and it's not my fault that I thought the liquid in the beaker would spontaneously combust the second it touched the flaming table. So, yeah, maybe I did burn down the school.  Now, I'm a complete outsider. 

I pull on my T-shirt and jeans, then groggily stumble down the stairs and into my kitchen, only to be greeted by my parents, looking too happy for a Wednesday morning. 

"Nash," My mom exclaims, "We are getting an exchange student, all the way from Spain!"

"And she seems to have a history with fire as well," My dad adds sarcastically. 

My mouth drops open. I wasn't sure whether to be excited or completely angry with my parents. I decided I would be angry. But, just a little bit excited. 

"Great," I responded with little emotion in my voice. 

I grabbed the paper bag containing my lunch and shoved it into my bag with such force that I heard my sandwich squish. Cause nothing says "good day" like soggy peanut butter and jelly. I grumbled to myself as I grabbed my coat off the hook and opened the door. 

As I walked down the sidewalk, none other than Emma Herrington and her posse of girls came up to me. Somehow, she can start the fire, and have no blame. But when I try to put it out and the school burns down, oh wait. That does sound pretty bad. 

"Hey Nash," Emma calls out to me, long and drawn out, "On your way to go burn something down?"

"No," I reply sternly. 

It was enough for her to shut up. I push past the girls and approach the front doors to the school. One deep breath, and walk in. Past all the popular boys and their girlfriends, past the nerds and their textbooks, past all the emos. I was flying solo. Not really flying, just solo. I watched everyone else, even the outsiders had a group. Not me. 

I approached my first class, science. When I walked in, I saw fifteen sets of eyes turn my way. Whispers seemed to echo through the entire school. I wouldn't dare guess what they were saying about me. As I walked to the only open desk, I heard somebody yell, 

"Nash! Over here!" 

I instantly recognized his voice as Brody Black, my ex-best friend, and I knew he was up to no good. My teacher, Mr.Simmons motioned for me to go sit with Brody. I guess I was better with a mean partner than being alone. Maybe we could patch things up. Maybe things could be how they used to. 

When I sat down, I felt something hard and sharp poking me. I stood up and discovered a tack. How mature. When I winced and pulled the tack off my seat, the class burst out laughing. My face went hot and red. The class seemed to inch by, a minute felt like an hour. 

By third period, I was utterly exhausted. When all of a sudden, in fourth-period history, a new girl walked in. She was tall, with dirty blonde hair and striking blue eyes. I had to restrain myself from gasping and making a fool out of myself. 

"Hi?" She said timidly, "I'm Isla.'

She made her way to the last open seat, which happened to be the one next to mine. I was now deeply regretting the choice to wear something so basic today, an my hair was a mess. I tried to smooth it down with my hands, but it was useless. I just smiled at her. 

"Hi, welcome to SunnyBroook High," I said, trying to sound as friendly as possible. 

Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad, because Isla wanted to be my friend, and she knew nothing of the incident. 

"I could show you around school if you'd like," I asked her. 

Isla smiled and nodded, but put a finger to her lips as she did so. I smiled sheepishly and blushed a bit. I hoped she couldn't tell.

After class, I walked Isla to lunch, and to my surprise, she sat down next to me! I pulled out my boring bagged lunch, and when Isla saw my squished and soggy sandwich, she offered me one of her churros! 

"Wow! Thanks Isla," I exclaimed, "Your mom is a really good cook!"

Isla looked at me sadly and said, 

"She was. But she died in a house fire a few days ago."

I was absolutely stunned. I couldn't imagine living without my mom, even if she did invite some random girl into my home for half a year! Wait, I never heard of a deadly housfire in this school district. Could Isla be the exchange student? No way.

"So, where do you live?" I questioned.

"I lived in a mall town in Spain, now I am here as an exchange student," she explained, "I never got your name. What is it?" 

"Oh, my bad, I'm Nash," I said. 

She nodded as she chewed the remainder of her churro. She looked so beautiful in the afternoon light. I think I'm in love with Isla. 

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