Summer camp

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Matt, Tony and Jake are good friends. They have known each other for over 7 years now. This summer there parents wanted the 3 boys to get outside and be a kid instead of playing video games all day. The white bus full of kids going to the summer camp pulled up to the log cottage surrounded by trees. ''This place looks like it came out of the mind of stephen king." Said Tony. When they got inside the small log hut there were rows of bunk beds where they would be sleeping. When the boys got to there room there were 5 bunk beds right beside each other. Matt noticed an odd feel to the room. Later in the day the boys and the rest of the kids went for a hike in the forest. Everything was normal at first until Matt spotted something in the bushes while the were walking. "A BODY"! Matt said. there was a short little kid human skeleton laying in the bushes. The to camp cancelers called the police and all the kids were escorted inside. Later that night all the kids were singing around the camp fire outside in the dark. Jake and tony were having a good time singing and dancing but Matt couldn't stop thinking about what he found. "you shouldn't be here boy. Its to dangerous."  a voice called out to Matt. It was a grim voice of something warning him to leave. no one else could here it though.

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