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At school, I made up my mind not to be a grump and have a good day. However, realizing how little I could tolerate and how short tempered I was, I decided to be moderate. As usual, Celia found me at my locker and with the same annoying smile that showcased all of her teeth, she greeted me a good morning.
"Have you considered getting braces?" I asked her.
"No, why?" She started covering her mouth.
"I just feel they'd suit you more." I smiled a bit devilishly.
"Oh," she nervously said, "Maybe they will."
I laughed inwardly, "Maybe."
I put my books into the locker and picked some out of it ignoring Celia probably still standing behind me.
"Uhm, Jackie,"
"Yes." I answered still arranging my locker.
"You need to see Miss Harriet today. She already came looking for you."
"Is that so?" I turned to her with a smirk.
She nodded, "She came to class while I sat and asked if you were in school already. I told her you weren't but would let you know that she wanted to see you once you came to school."
"I will see her. Do not worry about it anymore." I concluded.
She knew I wasn't ready to keep up with the conversation so she nodded in agreement.
"Do we have any class together today?" I asked looking at my schedule.
"No, I'm not sure we do..." She began looking into her bag, scattering whatever she supposedly arranged in it. I looked at her in disgust, "What are you doing?"
"I wanted to check whether we do have any class together."
"Have you considered getting a folder rather than disturbing your poor bag?" I asked still looking at her searching for only God knows what.
"I haven't really," she thought, "I guess I have but..." She paused again.
"You really should learn how to finish your sentences. You're not dumb are you?"
"No, no I'm not dumb. Sorry Jackie." She apologized.
"Since you haven't found your schedule yet, I'll just assume you and I don't have anything to do with each other till lunch time. If otherwise, do not hesitate to tell me." I warned.
"I won't." She started putting her things back in her bag because they fell on the floor.
I started walking away, "I guess Peasant isn't in school yet."
"She should be in class." I heard her say as I walked farther.
I walked on and got to Miss Harriet's class, hoping she was in. I popped my head through the door and saw someone else teaching her subject. I assumed she would be in the teacher's lounge. I sighed knowing how many ugly faces I'd have to see just to see a much uglier face at the end.
I hardly knocked the door before I went in. Just what I expected, Mr. Burnley sat down at the first desk eating a donut.
"Can I help you?" He sounded like a receptionist with a bad voice.
I ignored him and searched with my eyes for Miss Harriet.
"Are you looking for someone?"
He asked again.
I kept on with my searching, the lounge was quite large and shared into rooms. I wondered why Mr. Burnley had to be in the reception room that morning. Seeing that I couldn't see more than rooms with doors shut, I gave up and decided to answer the poor man.
"I'm looking for Miss Harriet." I finally answered him plainly.
"She's not in school yet. Why are you looking for her? Did you get into trouble? No, I know you got into trouble." He annoyingly said.
"I'm not in for your trouble this morning Mr. Burnley. If she isn't around, I'd like you to tell her I came looking for her ".
"And why would I do that?" He stopped drinking his coffee.
"Its sad enough your wife left you. Don't you think you could make a difference if you at least spoke to a female other than the ones that you probably meet at a club? Not that Miss Harriet is anyone better but she at least looks more responsible if you ask me."
He looked speechless with an angry expression but he couldn't say anything.
"I'll assume my word was taken well." I smiled at him and left the lounge.
"Some people just annoy the shit out of me." I said aloud.
As I walked out of the hallway, Miss Harriet walked her shaky legs towards me.
"Look who finally decided to look for me." She announced as she approached me.
I turned back to make her look like a fool even though no one was there.
"I'm talking to you and you know it." She said again getting closer.
I stopped after she walked a bit closer, folding my arms.
"I was told you wanted to see me." I said.
"Yes I did." She adjusted her handbag on her shoulder.
"Mr. Burnley said you weren't in school yet whereas I was told you came looking for me in class. Are you now two people in one place?" I asked rhetorically.
"I had some business to take care of. Regarding why I wanted to see you is nothing short of your insubordination."
"You're no military officer Miss Harriet." I commented.
"Making fun out of personal affairs of teachers in this school can be seen as such."
"It is careless on the side of these teachers to let such affairs get out in public you know." I replied.
"I'll have you know that this attitude of yours needs to be corrected otherwise you'd find yourself in the principal's office." She warned.
I walked close till I got a good closeup on her face, "Don't be a fucking pain in the ass next time." And I began walking away.
She called and called but I didn't pay her any attention. Just when I thought my morning would start out great.

JACKIE MARCWhere stories live. Discover now